The vertical extended double zepp antenna from my research/experiments/testing has the best performance of any antenna that I have used
Lol, we definitely have a fanboy here... anyway...
I never once disagreed with this being possibly the greatest vertical antenna of all time!!!
If you would bother to actually read my posts and ponder what I am actually saying, you would have gotten that. You are to determined to be adversarial here.
As I stated above, more than once, I love this antenna concept.
There are two differences between our views.
- You take data on this antenna in a horizontal layout and assume it will be the same when the antenna is vertical. It is not.
- I am taking in to account the environment around the antenna that many people will have to deal with, while you are ignoring it.
I have used in my 51yrs in the amateur radio/citizens band hobby.
I'm not trying to be mean here, but this really means nothing to me. I know people who have been around antennas for 5 years that are great at working with antennas. There are others I know who have been around antennas for 50+ years, built many of their own, and I wouldn't let them near an antenna. Many of their antennas I had to go back and fix... So yea, years means nothing to me, and the hardest lesson I have learned so far is experience alone only gets you half way to true understanding.
Means how you seem to care about such things... I have been around CB and Ham Radio for 30 years now, and am still active in both. I am on two active antennas teams for local ham radio groups for setting up and working with antennas, and have access to some of the most advanced equipment of anyone on this forum, and have experience using said equipment as I am the one who tunes most of the antennas that said teams set up.
While I occasionally mention these things, I never once used them to claim that I know what I am talking about. And as I see it as a cop out in place of a real explanation, I never will.
Seriously, stop wasting our time with how many years you have spent working with antennas (as well as other cop out statements), and start using real explanations. That will get you much further on this forum. You will likely learn something along the way... I did.
It quadruples the power that's put into it
I'm sorry, but it does not work this way. An antenna is not an amplifier. What this and any antenna does do is take power from other directions, in the case of this antenna up, a useless direction, and redirect it more towards the horizon, a more useful direction. This is not increasing power, only a redirection of power that already exists. Further, even your own 3 dB over a dipole claim wouldn't be quadrupling the power, only doubling...
Alot of amateur radio operator's have built a multi-band version that covers 160-2m with great success
Yes, I am one of those hams who built and tested many multiband doublets, most of which are still in use by people today. Please do not waste our time with this as it clearly doesn't directly apply to the antenna we are discussing. Seriously, take your vertical EDZ built for the CB band and see how well it works on the 2 meters ham band, and I'm not talking about repeater work here.
but in the citizens band community operator's rather buy instead of build.
This statement is an over-generalization. HomerBB for one, who is also responding to your posts, was a very prolific CB antenna builder before he became a Ham to the point he was called the 11 meter Macgyver... I also see posts all the time on this and other CB forums about people wanting to build an antenna for their CB. Sure, most purchase, but there are many the have built T2LT's, dipoles, and many others, including some very complex designs. Extended Double Zepps included.
If you have the property/knowledge/experience build a wire antenna. If done correctly it will stand out like a search light amongst candle's.
So lets break this down some.
When it comes to
Property, or in my words environment, in my descriptions and explanations above, you clearly ignored this like it was irrelevant. You simply said the same thing over and over, and didn't give this any consideration. Because of this, from my point of view, this doesn't seem to mean much to you. Seriously, look at point 2 in my list near the top of this post.
When it comes to
Knowledge and
Experience, as someone who has accounts on virtually every CB and Ham forum around, you will be hard pressed to find a place with people who are more knowledgeable and experienced than this one, especially posting in a CB forum. We have actual broadcast engineers posting here, one of whom has posted above. And when it comes to HomerBB and AudioShockwav, when they post, their knowledge is top tier, and they have demonstrated that over and over (along with a few others on this forum). Outright dismissing what they said like in the post I'm responding to says more about your knowledge and experience than theirs...
I get it, you are here to help, but so are all of us. So when people need help, help. Just be ready to explain your knowledge rather than rely on x years working with whatever. Also, starting this in a thread about another antenna, a thread and antenna worthy of standing on its own, essentially hijacking it so you can, well, brag about your antenna. A thread deemed worthy off being stickied. Seriously this left a bad taste in my mouth. Bringing about a discussion on your antenna could have been done much better. Strangely, I don't get the impression that you actually want a discussion...
Sorry for the long post...
The DB