DALLAS: First off I got to quit posting and editing, when I wake up with a wall banging headache and meds to treat my condition at 2:30 am due to my impending back surgery, and also when I have steam clouding my glasses from your "civilized conversation" comment...implying and stereotyping Amateur's on 75/80m are not so.
So let's nail this down 40 channels if all were AM...5 kc bandwidth for each channel (since CB IS channelized) that removes 5kc of usable band space per channel spacing.(Using spec limits)
This cuts the usable band space by 1/2...leaving 220 kc of usable space...since legally no vfo's....sliders or any device allowing frequency transmit modification from legal standardized channel spacing is allowed. (Technically
OK Enough said...not wishing to start a semantics war.
4 String: Yes those new frequencies are listed in the band plan, and have been listed in the Federal Registry. They have yet to be allocated for use. The allocations will not be available for use until the UTC has published rules and procedures dealing with the notifications to Utility Companies as to the registry of operators "Intent to use" is established. The power utilities have the right to void Amateur use in if they deem interference with their PLC systems is possible.
No Amateur will be allocated use if they are with-in One Kilometer of said PLC system. This will be a shared allocation with Amateur usage being secondary.
I am still interested to see what new equipment may spring up from it's allocation, whether kit form or manufactured products.
I personally will never be allowed to operate a transmitter on those frequencies as I live with-in the "Blackout Zone" due to my Utility Companies use of PLC systems.
We will see how this all comes out. I may apply for usage "just to see what happens"
All the Best