Good luck. you may be one of the few. most screwdriver wizzards claim 100+ watts and thats the start of all RFX problems. if you still have the paperwork on the S45HP look up the specks of dead key and out-put of the radio and you will see why they sound bad and dont last on the cobras. The RFX150 is almost out if you needed it mounted to the radio, this looks to be a big improvement. if it's not to late you should wait.
I dont use ssb. In all actuality I am just looking for a good 40 channel radio that talks good that I can talk on dailyHave you looked into the Mirage MX86? It's basically an MX36 with SSB.
Just. Looking on the net at the GALAXY DX 919 40 CHANNEL. YOU caN FIND THEM AT h&y electronics for I believe $100. Nreally wouldn't have to do anything bit tune it up. Great aaauuidddiiiooo n receive