Just depends on how you do that measuring of gain. A 1/4 wave antenna is 'sub-standatd' if that 1/2 wave antenna is used as the standard (which it very commonly is). With that same 1/2 wave standard, a 5/8 wave antenna has slightly more gain. But certainly not 3 dBd (or 'dBi' either, unless you start mixing those dB types, which you can't do), more like 1+ dBd. Standard measurements do work, and make comparisons much easier since you know what you are comparing the thing to. If you don't have a standard to go by, then those gain figures are absolutely meaningless. Is that gain as compared to a 32 element yagi, or a 'dead' beer can in the yard? Unfortunately, most of the gain figures typically seen in advertisements are related to that second comparison antenna.
- 'Doc
Hey Doc, now I'm sure you know that a dB
i rating is 2.15 higher than is a dB
d rating, so how can you say a 5/8 (.64) antenna with at least 1.2dBd gain (depending on how the field strength tests are run) can't have a 3dBi rating?
Here's a respected website which supports your gain numbers for a 5/8:
The Ultimate Guide to 11 Meter CB Antennas
But then there's Hustler, also a well respected antenna manufacturer:
Mobile UHF & VHF
And what about the good ol' Hygain antenna company, do you trust them? They rated the Penetrator P500 Super CLR .64 at 5.1dB, and if that was a dBi rating then their dBd rating would've been 2.15 dB less, or right about 3dBd.
Here's the rub, all anyone has to do is erect a 1/4, 1/2, and a 5/8 (.64) antenna, then check the difference between them at, say, 30 miles. I've seen more like 10-15dB difference from the 1/4 to the .64 at that distance. That's why I have no use for near-field testing. It's how the antenna plays out at a distance that is the important spec, and having run the Penetrator against just about everything else out there, including an original Larry's LW-150 (easily the best built and heaviest omni antenna ever made, period, end of discussion!) I've seen it's at ever increasing ground wave distances where the .64 shows it's true colors and comes alive, heads and tails above other designs such as 1/2, .75, 7/8 etc...
And 3dB
anything for the A99 must be in comparison to a wet mobile antenna, unless they simply forgot the minus sign before the 3.