Henry, of the antennas you mention only the broadcast dipole is a true center fed antenna. Additionally many FM broadcast stations using these antennas have a TOA below 0 degrees as a result of downward beam tilt. This is done to provide service when the tower is at extreme height over the market area. Granted, this has more to do with coax phasing then antenna type.
I also agree it looks like Sirio has done the modeling in free space mode rather then over true ground. Keep in mind, when they compared the TOA to a 5/8 wave ground plane, the same conditions were used. The model still shows significant improvement with the Gain-Master over the 5/8 wave ground plane.
Always intresting to have some discussion going on, especially with ones who opinion I appreciated.
I agree with you on:
That one could ask questions if you call a groundplane a center fed antenna.
As a center fed antenna sets your mind that there are two equal parts.
Now, as you’re well aware of each antenna book starts with a vertical dipole then one pole is mirrored in earth then it goes over to a ground plane…it would be the way you look at it.
If one thing is sure, they or not end fed antennas like the A99…that is truly a different feedpoint.
The other antennas I mentioned , antennas like “slappe Arnold”” Sleeve”. etc are true center fed antennas. If they are not then neither would a SGM be to my opinion..and that aint right.
Besides, I didn’t mention vertical polorized yagi’s or Quads for example….do they have a 0 degree TOA? The feeling strikes me that the word gets out…because of the center fed it has a almost 0 degree TOA…that is with what I disagree.
I, tend too disagree with mentioning TOA in reference with Downtilting.
Surely it is difficult to get a sold definition of TOA as it varies with the books you reed, or wich study you follow..
However there is one combined thing wich is stateted in each definition..
That it is compared to a horizontal line (earth)…without earth we don’t call it TOA.
Now downtilting what you are referring too.
As often can be seen for example with GSM telephone communication but i do not rememeber it has anything to do with TOA…that is direct line of sigth communication.
No ground influence….
The freespace patern of a 5/8 wave center fed or either end fed whatever you want in the eleveation plot is 0 degrees…. I can honestly give you more examples then you wish for and each producing 0 degree elevevation plot …Now certainly i do not know all about antennas, neither do the tech guys around me. But we do know something, probarbly more than the average CB user. The question comes to mind is that why do interperted that picture of freespace eleveation Sirio/58wave as false...everyone with a bit of understanding knows these things.....am i missing something ?
And be honest…try the center fed vertical dipole thing with whatever programm you want,
Place the antenna in “real life” and you wont find that 0 degree.
For sure thats briljant marketing but just wont happen.
I couldn’t interpreted your part about the coaxphasing correct, could you briefly specify that for me…
Again, dont get me wrong ...im not bussy with a anti SGM thing...
Im honestly believe that the SGM is a good thing.
What i am trying to do is set things straigth, and perhaps im misunderstanding...
If so...please teach me...!
Again thanks for you input it is highly appriciated,!
Enjoy the weekend,
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