I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible with my responses and still disagree based on what I've seen on the Sirio site for the Gain-Master and my actual results with the antenna. I see your point that the free space CST plot for the GM is showing the antenna at 0 degree TOA. They also give the same plot information for the typical 5/8 wave ground plane in free space simply to show the current distribution between the two. They did not take the free space 0 degree gain of the GM and compare that to what the 5/8 wave ground plane would have over real earth at 0 degrees.
Knowing that the majority of the competition the GM would be facing was the 5/8 wave ground plane, their advertising point is focused on the 1 to 2 db increase in gain on the horizon over that antenna. This comparison is over real earth and is within the range the typical user will see if replacing the ground plane with the GM at the same height. It lines up with the results I saw by equaling a stock Vector that beat my 5/8 wave ground plane.
I highly appriciate your input as it means that either you or me can learn.
And i always keep in mind i could be very wrong.
The pattern i am speaking about is the one "typical radiation pattern" in wich they say maximum radiation of a 5/8 wave at 24 degrees...that one..
A freespace plot is "meaningless" in reference to elevation.
Simply cause it is in freespace, there is no "real"angle to wich it is compared with.
A freespace model is significant for the fact it shows the maximum gain number.
wheter it is a what angle ..that is of less intrest.
You have eznec, test a mobile antenna it will have maximum gain at 0 degrees...
though we both know that is not the case in real life.
You can test a 5/8 wave in freespace and you will notice it is not at 0 degrees.
You can test a center fed 1/2 wave dipole and will notice it is at 0 degrees
So in either case you can make the "standard" 5/8 wave "look bad" refering to this.
Oke..so they say in freespace the GM has 1..2 dB gain at a low angle..
But to have a low angle the angle must be reference to something.
Not just because the radiation pattern "fits" in that way on that plot.
Im not saying they compare real life against freespace.
Im saying they compare freespace against freespace..
In that comparisment they have taken the maximum gain of the gm wich is in this case at 0 degree. The 5/8 wave has the max gain at 24 degrees acoording sirio.
But they dont compare 0 to 24 degrees they compare 0 to 0 degrees..so automaticly one of the antennas will be worse.
That yellow part they have highlighted could also be in favour for the 5/8 wave if they did it between 15 and 90 degrees...
But no, they did it between 15 and - 40 degrees...
They focus on 0 degrees and tell us..at that point there is 1..2 dB, well yes that can be.
But that doesnt meanthere truly is 1..2 dB difference in real life at a low angle! It just means there is 1..2 dB differnce at a freespace plot at 0 degree.
Well the 5/8 wave has about 3dB gain over a SGM at say 45 degrees...this is true, reading the plot but meaningless as it is of no use...
A reference to freespace is done towards the maximum amount of gain somewhere in that plot.
The angle is under wich this is is of less importans as there isnt anything in freespace to compare that angle with.
The 5/8 wave is doomed too loose.. infact it will loose from a halve wave vertical just as easy...Try it with your eznec..
(and we both know a dipole is 2,14dI and a 5/8 about 3,5 dBI)
If we would place both antennas in real live and ground influence are accounted for Both antennas will have a low angle TOA ..but neither will that be 24 or 0 degree.
(it can be 24 degrees but that is just lucky lol).
Most of the time somewhere between 5-15 degrees.
Now we do have both antennas in a fair battle...that fair battle is not happening in my opinion when one reference to certain angles in a freespace plot.
The comparisment cant be over real earth as you think.
No antenna will have a 0 degree toa besides, how can you explain the radiation below 0 degree?
That plot cant be true for real earth situations we are living.
Hoping your getting and hoping you are agreeing with what im saying, im off to bed now, already late...ill do a re-read tomorrow and see if i can explain it better.
Perhaps you do understand me and im wrong...well in that case...happy to learn
11 meter Dx antenna systemx