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New president lincoln 2

Hello All:

What I want to see in a new radio is a great working noise blanker and DSP in the IF and audio circuits.

A receiver Attenuator allowing you attenuate the received signal in say 1 dB, 3 dB and 6 dB steps.

Sharp IF Crystal filters that allow you to squeeze the received signal. With a (BPF) Band Pass Filter.

A variable RF output control, say 1 to 50 watts PEP.

A real 10 watt audio output circuit that will drive a good speaker, and a head set jack. With a switch allowing both the speaker and headsets to be turned on or off.

A large frequency display, with selectable frequency steps, and real world clarifier.

Something like that....

Jay in the Mojave
Hello All:

What I want to see in a new radio is a great working noise blanker and DSP in the IF and audio circuits.

A receiver Attenuator allowing you attenuate the received signal in say 1 dB, 3 dB and 6 dB steps.

Sharp IF Crystal filters that allow you to squeeze the received signal. With a (BPF) Band Pass Filter.

A variable RF output control, say 1 to 50 watts PEP.

A real 10 watt audio output circuit that will drive a good speaker, and a head set jack. With a switch allowing both the speaker and headsets to be turned on or off.

A large frequency display, with selectable frequency steps, and real world clarifier.

Something like that....

Jay in the Mojave

Just buy any amateur HF transceiver with the exception of the Yaesu FT8 series.
Hello MOGVC: Well that's the point I want to make is for the radio manufactures and designers to come up with a hot little advanced radio, with all the right stuff in it.

They could market the radio with easy add on modifications and such as a replaceable RF Front end with way better noise rejection, IF Filters or do it digitally, higher audio output, ect. Just a thought.

Why not any of the Yaesu FT8 radios? I know their Hand held radios and vhf radios are button ology user hostile. I threw out a FT-2600 2 meter radio in the trash can once.

Jay in the Mojave
Ill bet it will be a turd like the President Jackson on AM..

Maybe....maybe not.
It is rumored that the new radio will not be built by Uniden, so it may not use Low Level Am in the final section like the Jackson and HR series of radios.
As has already been said somewhere on the forum, president went apeshit when the pre-production pictures and some info was leaked.
President has Always been build by Uniden, with the exception of the Roosevelt base and the Harrison mobile.
These 2 Radios caused a real shit storm with Uniden and President between the two companies and the ones that had not been sold early on were pulled and never sold again.
It is going to be very interesting to see this radio come to Market, and who builds it for them.

Hello MOGVC: Well that's the point I want to make is for the radio manufactures and designers to come up with a hot little advanced radio, with all the right stuff in it.
But they already exist.

Why not any of the Yaesu FT8 radios?

The FT817/857/897 have poor selectivity and quite noisy receivers along with poor TX and RX audio. That's in addition to being godawful to use.
This radio is still in the pipe....couple of months out possibly...but a final release date hasn't been nailed down.

It's not in the plans for a U.S. release right now so if you want one you're going to have to import it or hope someone brings a bunch over in bulk indirectly.

It will probably won't be that different from the Anytone/CRE/Alpha models but I'm hoping all the improvements will have been applied along with the addition of the tones/vfo but until we see one no idea. It could be a whole new design.

It's been pretty quiet on the new radio front this last year so looking forward to seeing what 2014 has to offer.
This radio is still in the pipe....couple of months out possibly...but a final release date hasn't been nailed down.

It's not in the plans for a U.S. release right now so if you want one you're going to have to import it or hope someone brings a bunch over in bulk indirectly.

It will probably won't be that different from the Anytone/CRE/Alpha models but I'm hoping all the improvements will have been applied along with the addition of the tones/vfo but until we see one no idea. It could be a whole new design.

It's been pretty quiet on the new radio front this last year so looking forward to seeing what 2014 has to offer.

Why would the boys in Balaruc drop money on research and development when the Chinese have already did the work??? I highly doubt the Lincoln II will be a "whole new design". I'll be damned if I'll be paying a Uniden price for a Qixiang radio.
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I like the looks, but I'm not jumping in first, like I usually do. I'll wait and see what Simon or Dave say about it.

Something's got to give in the export arena, getting tired of all the crap lately. Gonna scale my impulse buy budget back next year. I should treat myself to a new Kenwood HF rig. Bet that'll make me feel better.

Much to many export turds passing thru my shack.
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Why would the boys in Balaruc drop money on research and development when the Chinese have already did the work??? I highly doubt the Lincoln II will be a "whole new design". I'll be damned if I'll be paying a Uniden price for a Qixiang radio.

Yes - I agree, it's probably going to be very similar but again I'm hoping it will have some refinements. At the very least I like the look better than the other Chinese versions. :)
You're right...they made a bunch of bad choices.
Even if they had simply canned the Idea of AM and used FM there would be a lot less interference complaints.
How in the hell they ever thought that the 155 mile rule could be enforced in the 27MHz area of HF is beyond me.

As for the quality of radios, that went out the window when American companies stopped building radios that were built to work well, not as cheap as possible...but that has happened to a lot of products.
Hell, today in Ham radios, how many new HF rigs today come to market, and we, the buyers are the " beta testers".
If these products are well built, I wonder why when a new rig comes out, there is suddenly a Yahoo user group that pops up for users to work out problems with :
overheating, fried PA transistors,bugs, fixes, crappy sounding audio, AGC pumping, factory mics that suffer from feedback...the list goes on.

Ok, Now I will get off the soapbox.

Night all.

I have to Agree with Jeff, firstly the FCC fucked up major choosing AM,as did our govt with FM,as for enforcing the 150 mile law,Kwality,thats just about to get even harder as the uk is looking at legalising AM/SSB by July 2014 on the FCC frequencies in line with the rest of Europe.

As for CB being aimed at truckers,may well be the case with AM/FM sets but deffo not Jackson 2 or Lincoln 2,they will be aimed at 11m pirates all over Europe and beyond,and hams not too snobby to use a monoband radio,that's relatively cheap to work 10m on,which may well be the only band below 30 mhz that's practical to work due to antenna sizes and neighbours that are retarded.

The biggest market for CB right now is probably the ex Iron Curtain countries like Poland where its booming like our 80's explosion, after years of suppression of speech is it any wonder all forms of communication thrive in these countries.

As for the Lincoln 2, I think it looks neat, and hopefully will contain a few surprises. If Uniden isn't involved I don't necessarily think that will be a good thing,they've built all Presidents best radios to date.

Incidentally Cobra don't make radios (and never have,their an importer,just like CRT and President in France ) and lost the plot when Uniden dumped them, they've never found it since. President no matter who's making radio's for them will soon price themselves out the market if their not careful.

I also think HF sets suffer as poor if not worse R+D than CB's considering the price of them,the ft 100 for example was only surpassed narrowly by the Cobra 200 GTL DX on the pish pile.Taking into account it was just over 1000 pounds new here,and that was haggled as I got one for my mate and done the talking, that's a disgrace the faults it had,there's even dearer radios with harmonic spikes larger than the fundamental frequencys.if I recall one of the yaesu's was notorious for it on 6m if I recall. As Jeff says there's no shortage of HF improvements/fault fixes online and user groups frustrated to fuck with the big 3 who incidentally also deliberately target 11m pirates as customers and have done ever since yaesu learned to do crystal swaps on radios like ft7b,ft101 etc,

Don't be kidding yourself W9cll they are playing a different game as cb manufacturers,same game,same target,same goal,make rigs easy to use on frequencies people WANT (note, not are allowed) to use,the demand is there,these guys know exactly what they're used for,your kidding yourself if you think otherwise, makes no difference if its Cb or Ham,guys making them couldn't give a fuck if you use it legally or illegally,if you jam aircraft or whatever on it using huge amps, as long as you buy it, that's all they care about.

The real problem is people now demand cheap stuff,and that means only one thing,quality suffers, don't matter if its CB's,HF sets,washing machines,hifi,tv, its all the same mentality, build it quick,cheap and flog the fucker and let some cunt else worry about sorting it,

your right about one thing though,the fancy trimmings and lights and shit are like all the lures you see in a fishing shop, designed to hook people,not fish. :wink:

Luvving the Comfortably Numb signature Jeff,my fav song and feeling,lol
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Got that right JAZZSINGER, I have no problem spending money on a good radio and of course we all look for the best deal, seems the China Manfactures sell most of the 10 11 meter AM FM SSB radios in the 75 dollar range and if you buy a bunch they ship it free, then someone here gets them, marks them up to 200 bucks or more and wonder why they all turn to crap after some use, they are cheap made to start with what do you expect
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