There has been 11 metre contests via this forum for years now.Omg, this stuff is bad enough on ham radio, dont start on 11m too. Pshhh.
Cq contest cq contest cq contest, cq contest, cq contest, everyone is 5 and 9 all the time. Cq contest cq contest cq contest cq contest cq contest. God, make it stop! And propagation absolutely sucks, and no amps allowed? 12w? Hahahaha, good luck with that one
Yeah, it'll count me out as I don't currently run a standard cb on the base. Maybe if I can get the ranger 797 set up but there's time constraints on my end.Hmmm...just saw the rules. I know it’s the honor system but I am sure some ham will use a ham radio that puts out more then 12w. So will be the honor system. Barefoot...wink wink.