It is 5' 8" spacing.
This photo does not represent the completed project, only what I have now.
I live to pleasei really really really like that !!!!!!
Haven't weighed it, but very little by how it feels handling it.any idea what it weighs ?
I have an old TV rotatordo you have a rotor yet ?
I spread my arms as wide as they'd go . .how did you decide on the spacing ?
Maybe. I haven't gotten that far. Just making the parts.are you gonna play with the spacing any to see how it changes ?
How much
did the bandwidth change?
how did you tune the refelecter?
I simply added 5% to the driven length, then I double checked it with an online calculator and confirmed it to be close enough (within an in or so) to be trustworthy.
I considered tuning it with a beta match but decided to forgo that for now. Weather is closing in fast and still too much to get done around the house that takes my fun time away.
i cant imagine how the mfj can help max out the front to back but you can stick a mobile a few blocks away with a rubberband around the mic and set to ssb and set the carrier balance vr off a little to give a low level carrier but start 15 to 20 chanels below where you want your center chanel to be so you can pass it up while your recording the readings
"...The radiation pattern of the antenna on the left is a 4 element quad feed directly with coax. The radiation pattern of the antenna on the right shows a quad using a device (balun, gamma match etc.) to match the unbalanced coax feed to the balanced antenna. A clean pattern results..."