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Pawn shop find...


Active Member
Apr 17, 2010
Found a like new Galaxy Dx 44v for $59.95. Works perfectly variable deadkey swings 25 Watts. AM FM covers 8 bands of 40 channels ranging from 25.125mhz well into 10 meters. Dual echo control, talkback and Roger beep, + 10khz switch.


Good find!

Was that the asking price or negotiated price?

Whenever I see a radio in a pawn shop it is generally beat to hell or a piece of junk...usually overpriced for what it is, typically the same way with guns.
Yes, they normally go for $75-$125 on e-bay as cond. varies... All the other radios the were older hand helds, saw some 6 channel radios:w00t:, don't know why the pawn shop even bothered with those...This was one of only 2 mobiles, the other was an older cheapo rig.

It gets great audio, I cant seem to figure out why the talk back only works on AM and not FM, it seems its supose to be that way.

It was asking price... I normally hassle them with the price a little though, especially since he did not have any means to properly test it, all he had was a power supply to turn it on, looks like new though a little wear, looks like a trucker pawned his radio for some reason, there was an elastic strap on the mic with a hook.

I bought my 44 at a truck stop, the power supply used to "show that it worked" was found in the Freightliner battery box...LOL!

it worked out though, the radio operated fine but better after my tech aligned it.

I just dusted it off and sent it to Chris Holland at the radio shop in Ontario, he upgraded the finals to mosfet...looking forward to getting it back this week!
I wish these radio's had ssb...
Yes, I know it lacks SSB, but there is much AM skip to be had. Its too bad I dont have my antenna setup yet, all I have been able to do with mine is tests into a dummy load. I haven't used FM before on 11M so... I am not even sure what are common FM frequencies.

you wont see any modulation on FM either .hence why no talkback .
the modulation is there but the meter wont swing and the audio wont be heard thru talkback .
its perfectly normal.
Ok, that makes sense... I thought somthing weird was going on there, I could hear the roger beep slightly with FM and talkback enabled.

Anyone know where FM is commonly used on 11M?

thats about the only way your going to find fm. in the us you cant use fm on cb, its am or ssb. in the uk its fm but you would need to be on our "freeband" frequency's, 27.4150 and above.
Ok, that should be easy to get on with this radio.... How does FM do during skip cond.?


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