No what I'm trying to understand is why someone can sell you a radio and not me. And the fact that you gloat about being able to have one of these radios for the simple fact that you've completed a government course in radio ethics.
Don't think I'm bashing government here, there are enough people doing that already but if this radio is illegal for sale in this country then you have no more right to own and operate than anyone else, now what would Jesus do?[/quote]
Now WHOA! I did not "gloat" about anything. First thing is, I wouldn't HAVE one of them if you GAVE it to me! I tried to carefully explain that the two radio services operate with
totally different rules and have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the other! CB Radio is under Land Mobile Services Rules under which ALL equipment used in those services MUST be certified by FCC for use. They have a STICKER affixed on them to show same. The Amateur Service Rules equipment requirement are completely different and most equipment need not be certified in the same way that CB Radios must. US Code, Title 47, Part 97, US Code spells out what Amateurs may use and it states that Amateurs may buy, use, or BUILD whatever equipment will meet the requirement of said Part 97.
That means that, yes, the dealer will be cited for SELLING the radio (the act of selling it, not ME buying it) and I will not be sanctioned for BUYING it because Part 97 says that I MAY use it and, therefore, I have commited no offense so long as I USE the radio within the Amateur Service. IF I use it on CB, THEN I HAVE violated the law--same as the CBer who bought and used it there.
In order to STOP the USE of "export" radios with "bands" of "channels and extra power, FCC has placed these radios on a list
BY NAME in order to stop their use on CB. Now, all *I* have done is told you the rules and the reasons why it is the way it is. I
did not MAKE the rules, nor did I "gloat" about anything! If you don't like the rules, you'll have to take that up with the Feds.
Within the rules for Amateur Radio, I have every "right" to use whatever radio I please that meets Part 97!
For those who disagree, then they are at liberty to take the same tests (well, not exactly the same: they're EASIER!
) tests I took for the privileges I hold. I am sorry that makes people unhappy.