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Pot grow noise


Active Member
Jun 1, 2012
Southeastern Michigan
I have a new neighbor that moved in this summer about 4 houses from me. There is a strong marijuana smell and now I have a constant 5 s-units noise level. I am not sure yet of grow light schedule . Is there anything I can buy to help with this problem??? I now cannot talk to some of the locals in area because of noise. The idiots in my Township allow caregivers to grow now so he is legal. I am completely against marijuana more than ever now and have already started raising hell in the township. Any idea's

yes, stop blaming marijuana.

your political activation is aimed in the wrong direction.

if you want to change things, ban cheap chinese ballasts.
best of luck with that one.

seriously though, trying to "raise hell" with your township over their marijuana laws simply because it is inconveniencing you is nothing more than misplaced aggression, and is the same argument the anti-gun folks use. they blame the guns instead of the idiots holding them.

As for filtering the noise, it needs to be done at the source and will require a different type of politics. namely, respecting your neighbors' rights to have different views than you and being friendly to them because you need their help in solving your problem.

some bypass caps on the ballasts, and some ferrite on the AC power cords should help quite a bit.
yes, stop blaming marijuana.

your political activation is aimed in the wrong direction.

if you want to change things, ban cheap chinese ballasts.
best of luck with that one.

seriously though, trying to "raise hell" with your township over their marijuana laws simply because it is inconveniencing you is nothing more than misplaced aggression, and is the same argument the anti-gun folks use. they blame the guns instead of the idiots holding them.

As for filtering the noise, it needs to be done at the source and will require a different type of politics. namely, respecting your neighbors' rights to have different views than you and being friendly to them because you need their help in solving your problem.

some bypass caps on the ballasts, and some ferrite on the AC power cords should help quite a bit.
I really do stand strong on this.
The home owner (or renter) needs to be informed about the problems that they are making, and maybe given a list of parts to fix.
Med. pot is not the problem, the persons growing are the one that made the problem by not fixing there gear.
Maybe the growers will move after a talk with them.
When we lived in oregon we had a "bad" neighbor, they moved when someone called and the power co. "unplugged" the grower. ;)
I really do stand strong on this.
The home owner (or renter) needs to be informed about the problems that they are making, and maybe given a list of parts to fix.
Med. pot is not the problem, the persons growing are the one that made the problem by not fixing there gear.
Maybe the growers will move after a talk with them.
When we lived in oregon we had a "bad" neighbor, they moved when someone called and the power co. "unplugged" the grower. ;)

That's odd. If what they were doing was legal why would the power company come out and shut it down. Unless it was an illegal electrical hook up.
It looks like a lot of pot heads or people inclined that way commenting on post. I can see absolutely no benefit to making marijuana legal even for medical use. Every one that I know that has a medical card here were pot heads 40 yrs ago . I guess they have been having medical problems a long time. The medical angle is a crock just so pot smokers can get high legally. The lives that will be ruined by pot will greatly out number any saved by it or benefited by it. Colorado marijuana caused accidents were up 154% and school children expelled because of it close to 20% this in a legal state. The only thing I can see that legalizing pot will do is ruin America and cause more deaths than any war we have ever had all together. I will fight against it here heart and soul. My question was how can I reduce noise in my radio????
It looks like a lot of pot heads or people inclined that way commenting on post. I can see absolutely no benefit to making marijuana legal even for medical use. Every one that I know that has a medical card here were pot heads 40 yrs ago . I guess they have been having medical problems a long time. The medical angle is a crock just so pot smokers can get high legally. The lives that will be ruined by pot will greatly out number any saved by it or benefited by it. Colorado marijuana caused accidents were up 154% and school children expelled because of it close to 20% this in a legal state. The only thing I can see that legalizing pot will do is ruin America and cause more deaths than any war we have ever had all together. I will fight against it here heart and soul. My question was how can I reduce noise in my radio????

Can you not see how the war-on-drugs is a failure, unless your goal was to imprison the "likely to fall into crime" segments of our Nations' population?
Being prescribed any controlled substance for any medical condition just makes that person a socially acceptable drug addict, it's all about perspective... oh and who is dealing the ugh hem "medicine" or drugs.. something about lobbying and industry..

I.M.O. Big pharma and for-profit prison systems are two very nasty things, just look at countries who have de-criminalized drugs, then look at the crime rate statistics and the percentage of incarcerated population who re-offends (lower also)... The grass is greener on the other side!

While I can understand your position, can you understand mine?

I think your bias against marijuana will prevent any sort of positive dialogue between you and the source of the QRM, but I hope i'm wrong on this one.

Best of Regards
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It looks like a lot of pot heads or people inclined that way commenting on post. I can see absolutely no benefit to making marijuana legal even for medical use. Every one that I know that has a medical card here were pot heads 40 yrs ago . I guess they have been having medical problems a long time. The medical angle is a crock just so pot smokers can get high legally. The lives that will be ruined by pot will greatly out number any saved by it or benefited by it. Colorado marijuana caused accidents were up 154% and school children expelled because of it close to 20% this in a legal state. The only thing I can see that legalizing pot will do is ruin America and cause more deaths than any war we have ever had all together. I will fight against it here heart and soul. My question was how can I reduce noise in my radio????

Well Jimbo, i see two things that we can probably agree on here.

First, neither of us is very likely to change the other's viewpoint on this subject.

Second, this is a radio forum, and is not the place to have that debate. (as much as i would enjoy it LOL)

That said, my advice doesn't really change.

Your goal is to reduce the noise in your receiver that is being generated from high wattage lighting ballasts located inside a neighbor's home.

Whether your neighbor is growing pot or tomatoes doesn't matter.

what matters is that there is nothing you can do short of moving your antenna as far from that neighbor as possible (still probably won't eliminate the noise) that will eliminate the noise on your end.

The noise must be abated at the source by installing bypass capacitors in the lighting ballasts, and decoupling RFI from the AC cords by installing a bunch of ferrite.

Your chances of making this happen will depend entirely on your ability to get along with your neighbor regardless of your differing viewpoints.

yes, you can begin attending town hall meetings, calling your local representatives, and telling everyone who will listen about your plight.
BUT! as we all know, policy change takes time, and even if you are successful in your endeavors, you won't see any effects from them for quite a long time.

meanwhile your radio hobby will suffer because you chose to try to change laws instead of opening your heart and mind just enough to allow you to have a respectful discourse with your neighbor.

the answer to your question lies at your neighbors house. It is up to you to make the effort to solve your problem.
If you try the mfj1026 let us know how it works. A guy near me is having the same issue. Something is on a 12 hour tuner and causes 9 s units of noise from 9pm to 9am. The noise is very broadbanded. He hears it on 11 meters and his am/fm alarm clock. He suspects grow lights with cheap ballasts.

If what your neighbor is doing it's legal go talk to them about trying some filters. You may not agree with what they are doing but if you're rude you won't get any help. Read the reviews on these. An ameatur operator says they helped his noise level tremendously. This one has an odd plug on it but there has to be one to suit your needs.

That's odd. If what they were doing was legal why would the power company come out and shut it down. Unless it was an illegal electrical hook up.
While growing pot in that state may be legal, the transmission of noise is not legal. The power company is responsible to keep power line noise to the minimal level it can.
If the noise level is too high and reaches too far the quickest remedy is to pull the plug.
Call the power company and lodge a formal complaint and tell them your next call is going to the FCC right after you hang up with them.
Be nice and don't get mad, a calm voice letting them know you are serious will get you farther than a rude raving maniac. I have proved this over and over.
A raving maniac gets hung up on and ignored. My wife works for a federal law enforcement agency and she can tell within seconds what the encounter will be. Sometimes the agents just lay the phone on the desk and let them rave on and occasionally just say "I see" until the manic rant slows down or quits.
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