Wow, when Justin did his 50 watt Cobra 29 everyone here lined up to kiss his rear. I'm sure if Fire Communications and Sparky each did their best Cobra 29 they would both sound exellent on the air.
Ole # 9 has been around
must have been under another name ? I hear what your saying dude. I don't think your average everyday AM only cb'er gives a ratts ass !! I meet and deal with these guys all the time , there's nothing new here , especially over the last 25 years or so for me .
These guys behind the wheels of there big rigs and guys that live in areas where TVI and Harmonics mean nothing to them !! These guys want what they want , it doesn't matter what Freecell / Justin / DTB and Einstien's have to say about it (and they know IM right here) Guys like to bleed over every channel on the band , they like to be so damned loud you can't understand them in the first place !! It doesn't matter to them !! THEY LIKE IT THAT WAY !!
The bottom line is this works good enough for them and that's all that really matters , if a guy swears up and down he gets 1600 watts out of 6 x 2879s !! SO BE IT !!! OK , so Freecell and other tech's like him along with many operators that didn't go to school just to eat there lunches know better , .........I will quote Justin here ......he once said that cb'ers make up there own rules and believe what they want to believe ......There's no doubt in my mind that Justin was 100% correct about that !! So what !! ??
I think what matters in the end, is that given user of given equipment is happy with what they have , no matter how it is done up ! We all have choices in this hobby of ours , we can be as clean as can be or as dirty as we want to be. When it comes to CB radio AM radio operations , it just doesn't have to be perfect to work , it just has to work. I don't even think it's lack of education here ........because you can tell them the truth all you want , it doesn't change a God damned thing !! Swing Kits , clipped diodes , 6 x 2879s doing 1600 watts all works for them . PERIOD !! (those same people that believe that , many are good down home big hearted people that would give you the shirts off there backs if they could)
If you feel the need to argue the point to somebody that's going to do it there way in the first place , that's on you . I talk to people , not machines , and IM very grateful for the chance to have learned the differances between what works right and what works wrong.......unfortunately , the wrong ways work good enough and that tends to be a flamed pimple on given tech's asses. Maybe that's why you guys get the big bucks ? Not my job :tongue:
Eric Clapton said ........He got Ramblin on his mind.
Sex sells , so did the 50 watt 1969 mod.
Show me the money honey. Peace