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Pride dx-300

I don't know much about electronics....but isn't buying old linears like buying a pig in a poke? don't caps wear out after 20-30yrs?
Nothing wrong with those amps in general. All amps have compromises in them some place to make it to a given price point! Why? Because a lot of people do not have a lot of excess money or they do not wish to spend a lot for their hobby. Not everyone has to die with the most toys or the best toys to be happy! So price point is something most of us look at when buying anything from car's laptops to RF amplifier's !

All of the weak points int his amps design are easy to fix and not expensive fix's especially if you wait until something fails. Since no OEM parts are available the higher quality after market parts are not only the way to go but they are the best way to go short of designing your own parts cost be darned!!!

One of the cool things about older amps is the fix's are well known and other's have already paved the road ahead for you!

The worst thing for any device is to allow idiots to abuse it. Not many devices allow one to abuse them like you can a HF amp. Their is no way for the manufacture to limit the stupidity level of the purchaser or their inability to follow the owners manual! The amp is depending on the owner to feed it the proper amount of drive. It has no way to say "Hey stupid turn down the darn power now!!!"! Nothing get's abused more then radio's and amplifer's in both 2 way communication and in home audio......

If I was an OEM I would want to sell a radio and amp together that where CPU controlled and tightly regulated so that any deviation from program would either shut the radio down or the amp or both! The two would have a patch cord and talk to each other no cord and no constant stead state of data with random authentication calls and shut it down!That would be the only way I would want to warranty it build it so hard to modify that 98% of the owner's never would! In exchange it would have a fantastic warranty.....If I was selling amps to CB types I would test each unit prior to shipping and print out a report of the actually testing on that unit and would include a video disc of that unit working and being tested. The warranty would be parts only and event hen very very limited like 30 days! I just know how stupid some people on CB can be with regard to their gear!

I had a boss that took a l high voltage compact highly durable light bulb and inserted it into the input circuit of a Texas Star amplifier to keep the knuckle head that owned it from over driving the unit and killing the transistors and other parts. We also put tamper paint on the unit and marked all pot setting with infrared ink that could not be seen with normal light! We had some warranty issues with the unit. We informed the owner of the ant-tamper lengths we had gone to and that if any of them where damaged or altered that we would not warranty the work. We did not tell him about the light bulb. That unit went from failing multiple times to never failing again.
The bad news first, i email Chris @ Nomad a pic of that broad 5/6 years ago. He said that he had never seen 1 like that. When i took mine out i drew a sch with the wire colors. I got a new broad from RF Parts. With parts installed. Last year Chris had made his own. The only place i found a pic of that board is in Best of the exports amps edition V1. But when you go to the parts list, it list the stock broad. Jim
hellow and how are you. if you can give me a call at 662 256 1158, i need the wire for the high v boards, been working on my pride so now all i lift is the jumpres for the two botton bordes... if u can help call me. yes thare is a mod for the high v bords, nomads radio has that new board for 80 dollors... call me if u can... that amp is ready for 11 meter bands,, no more than a 2 or 3 watt dead key for that box, for full output... thank you for ur help... jason in nms

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