Anywho ... QSL'g was huge when I got into 11 meters in the 70's. I started out in '76. Popular too through the 80's and into the internet age. I was smack in the middle of the CB Explosion of the 70's in the suburbs of a large city. A Solar Max or near Max was present during the mid-late 70's and talking skip was huge. Most all serious base station ops would have a QSL Card printed up - and quite a few commercial printing operations sprung up specializing in CB QSL designs. Many would actually give out their real name and home address during the contact to get a card swap started. Others wishing to be more discreet as 11M DX is illegal, {the FCC was much more active back then} would get a local P.O. Box and have that address to give out over the air. Later, with the advent of the internet, peeps would give out an Email Address during the contact and the QSL Confirmation would precede that way. Station Art Images (QSL card art), could accompany a reply which the receiver could print out and add to a physical collection.