And how is it "BS"?
People began showing up on 10 Meters.
The L E G I T I M A T E users of 28 MHZ didn't like it.
They began to complain to the authorities whose job it is to
stop it.
Because of budget constraints, FCC didn't/doesn't have the manpower to go after ALL of the offenders.
Riley Hollingsworth did promise to do something about it and he DID!
He also asked the hams themselves to assist in identifying the offenders.
They DID! Over a two year period, there was at least ONE trucking company almost every week appearing on the RainReport, and ARRL Enforcement Log.
Those reports resulted in those warnings. At first, the newsgroup(s) and their readers laughed loudly. Then they attacked anyone that presented the info to them---even banning some of the posters who were merely trying to let people know that they could, indeed, get into trouble over this
activity. And they also screamed about how "them mean ole hams" just hated truckers, how they were stuck up and "elitist". They moaned about how "we cain't see no harm in us usin' them channels" and "We NEED them channels to git away fum the hash and trash". "HIT AIN'T FAIR"!''
So how is it B S? People (hams) visited the trucking websites and told 'em that it was coming and they laughed and insulted. When the warnings and citations came, they yelled and squirmed.
But it DID have an effect. *Some* of the lessening activity is due to the lack of 'skip'; the rest is due to these warnings. *LOCAL* activity has decreased dramatically as it is now possible to drive the interstate without hearing a trucker right beside you yapping on 28 MHZ. You can hear the occasional far away driver, but not a regular diet of illegal chatter on 10 Meters. *Something* worked. The reduction of the thieving and filching of Amateur frequencies is all we were after. So where is the BS? If just ONE person is educated to the myth of "extra" channels, then it is a success!
If 100 people learn that it is NOT OK to flip those "band" switches because they might actually get nailed, it is a GREAT success. Is it not fair to let people know that there ARE no so-called 'extra' channels for CB? That, in fact, they will get in trouble if they mess with the ham bands OR the CAP frequencies down on 26 MHZ? After all, they have been led to believe by myth and CB legend that such is OK and that the "former" (NOT!) users of those frequencies "abandoned" them long ago, right?
So WHERE is the BS? Where is the mis-truth? :?