I will try again and call out at 5:00pm PST.I will be sitting on 16 for most of the day I have decided. We will see what happens!
The level of Skip dictates much of the success/failure on 16lsb. I usually try to have something monitoring 16lsb on a daily basis, but it might not hurt to have a ch.16 get together on the 1st and 3rd weekend of every month.Well, I just realized that I botched the date on my LSB 16 effort by listing Saturday as June 5th when it is actually June 4th. That said, I just spent from noon until about 12:20 eastern time on LSB 16 trying to get a response. No luck. There was some AM traffic, but not a soul responded on LSB. I'll try again at 3:00P.M. eastern and see if we can get this movement off the ground. Until then, I'll just keep the radio on as I take care of other things.
Dang…that’s a lot of time invested.I called on 16 for about 40 min @12 Pacific time.
No answer.