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separating that joint will just add more capacitance...lets stick with the game plan.
I just needs a tweak.
Make sure its not too close to the side panel too it looks pretty close there

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I'll be doing this tomorrow and have one more important question.
The two times I was in the amp I discharged it using an insulated screwdriver. I held the screwdrivers tip on to the tubes connecting wire and tapped/scrapped the other end along the chassis. I did this several times in different places. This was done with the amps power switch in the on and off position. Never once did I get any discharge spark like I expected. I'm fairly sure it was discharged as I has my fingers in there and wasn't shocked or electrocuted. Does there have to be a spark in order for it to be discharged? Is there always
separating that joint will just add more capacitance...lets stick with the game plan.
I just needs a tweak
I agree. I'm all in and looking forward to tomorrow. It's go time! I can't thank you and everyone who's helped enough. 73
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I'll be doing this tomorrow and have one more important question.
The two times I was in the amp I discharged it using an insulated screwdriver. I held the screwdrivers tip on to the tubes connecting wire and tapped/scrapped the other end along the chassis. I did this several times in different places. This was done with the amps power switch in the on and off position. Never once did I get any discharge spark like I expected. I'm fairly sure it was discharged as I has my fingers in there and wasn't shocked or electrocuted. Does there have to be a spark in order for it to be discharged? Is there always

I agree. I'm all in and looking forward to tomorrow. It's go time! I can't thank you and everyone who's helped enough. 73
If your discharge resistors are doing their job and you wait a bit you may not see a spark.
Its best not to cause you can bite a chunk outta something if it sparks too hard.
Make sure the bottom of the coils dont butt into eachother, try to tweak them a bit too.
You want to copy that gap in your middle 2 coils throughout the whole thing.
It could be debris or 2 wraps are touching and they shouldn't be, separating them a cunthair should fix it up.
Dont break that solder jump, be gentle there
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If your discharge resistors are doing their job and you wait a bit you may not see a spark.
Its best not to cause you can bite a chunk outta something if it sparks too hard.
Make sure the bottom of the coils dont butt into eachother, try to tweak them a bit too.
You want to copy that gap in your middle 2 coils throughout the whole thing.
It could be debris or 2 wraps are touching and they shouldn't be, separating them a cunthair should fix it up.
Dont break that solder jump, be gentle there
I'm guessing that the discharge resistors are doing what their intended too.
I will read everything that's been told to me about spreading the coil. I'll spread them the suggested 1/8". Of course this will be by eye but I'll get it as close as possible.
I'm feeling good about seeing the correct mesh after the first try.
I'm going to leave the amps cover off after separating the coil, tune it for max smoke, take note of the output compared to before the separation and take a photo of how the capacitors meshed.
Then wait for your reply. I'm optimistic. 73
This is an image I spotted in this thread.(Post #24) Try the spreading tweaks first and if you do not get satisfaction try taking off just one solder bridge. Be sure the coil is not touching anything inside the amp.
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If your discharge resistors are doing their job and you wait a bit you may not see a spark.
Its best not to cause you can bite a chunk outta something if it sparks too hard.
Make sure the bottom of the coils dont butt into eachother, try to tweak them a bit too.
You want to copy that gap in your middle 2 coils throughout the whole thing.
It could be debris or 2 wraps are touching and they shouldn't be, separating them a cunthair should fix it up.
Dont break that solder jump, be gentle there
Separated the coil a "cunt hair" and as you can see in the pic tuned for max smoke the capacitors beginning to mesh.
I'm thinking I should separate it a half cunt hair more. I'm Using a 1500 watt dummy load and my Autek wm 1 and am seeking a bit more dk then before. I left the demco turned off and did not attempt to over couple or modulate into the amp.
I'll wait for your suggestions. If I don't get anything back within a half hour I'll separate the coil a bit more, tune it up and check how it's meshed. It's obviously meshed greater than it was before the coil separation. PICTURE#1 BEFORE SEPARATION (max smoke). PICTURE#2 AFTER SEPARATION.(max smoke).20161202_183031.jpg20161205_160805.jpg
Well 357 I guess I should've left well enough alone.
I opened the coil a bit more and unfortunately the capacitor is once again un meshed.
I put the cover back on as I don't want to mess with it until I hear from you.
I'm in no rush and rather wait to hear from the one's in the know.
I'm guessing I'm going to have to compress the coil a cunt hair or open it further in order to get the proper mesh. Thanks again for all y'all time. 73
Sonar easy enough just squeeze the coil back together a little at a time until the caps tunes up. your doing fine just need a little more adjustment.(y)
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Best way would have been measure the coil inductance first so you have a baseline. I'd remove the whole thing and roll a new one... not sure if you need more or less turns but you're talking shots in the dark anyway.

You can also tune the thing up, shut down, discharge and put a variable resistor from a anode to ground. Feed the tank circuit in reverse with an mfj or radio with SWR meter. Find the sweet spot (flat swr) with the VR. This will get you close to your plate impedance and you can work on the coil with the amp cold. Once you get the swr flat with the tune cap about halfway meshed fire it up and try again.
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Best way would have been measure the coil inductance first so you have a baseline. I'd remove the whole thing and roll a new one... not sure if you need more or less turns but you're talking shots in the dark anyway.

You can also tune the thing up, shut down, discharge and put a variable resistor from a anode to ground. Feed the tank circuit in reverse with an mfj or radio with SWR meter. Find the sweet spot (flat swr) with the VR. This will get you close to your plate impedance and you can work on the coil with the amp cold. Once you get the swr flat with the tune cap about halfway meshed fire it up and try again.
Beyond separating that coil or (because of my foolishness) depress it those options you've mentioned are beyond my ability or knowledge.
Sonar easy enough just squeeze the coil back together a little at a time until the caps tunes up. your doing fine just need a little more adjustment.(y)
The first time I seperated the coil the capacitor as you can see in the picture I posted definitely meshed compared to the photo I posted before i opened that coil.
While looking at the mesh drawings someone posted for me I thought separating them a little more would get it to mesh for better capacitance but I obviously was wrong.
I'll slightly compress it, then tune for max smoke. I'll take it from there. The separation was so slight both times that I'm going to use an insulated plier's to compress and hopefully that will get the mesh to where it was the first t.
Damn I should've left it. I honestly thought I could've gotten the capacitor to mesh jus a bit more.
I'll never know but I think the mesh in this picture would've busy fine. Thanks to all. With your help I'll get it right.20161205_160805.jpgBy the way if I get it to mesh like this is that good?

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