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RF Limited CR-577 Mic Review

The mic I got for the review was the prototype mic. Didn't have a hum problem at all. I'd be interested in what they find and fix in your mic. If you talk to Chris Holland before I do, let us know what you find out...

I'm using the CR-577 mic with my Galaxy DX 99V out here in IA. Get decent reports with it when DXing. Never had a complaint as yet...
The CR577!

Hello Robb! So you are using your CR577 with a Galaxy in your home on a power supply? This problem could be a hit or miss maybe. I heard of this issue before on the first ones. Never got the pleasure to communicate with Chris Holland this issue. Was looking to purchase a few more of these but if these will do the same I don't know. Usually this type of hum or transformer noise makes itself know when somebody is using a cheap power supply next to their mobile rig, use a battery charger hooked up to a battery or straight battery charger. When I had the microphone apart I did not see any broken wires, stray stranded wires, or cold solder joints. This is a hot microphone. The case alone acts as a shield. I ran jumpers from all the key parts of the mic to ground it on the radio chassis without success. We learn as the years go on. Probably invested 6 hours doing those little tricks. I even used a regular, alkaline, and lithium battery. Same results. Something like if you use DC power without a cap across +/-! Well anyways I am looking forward in having it back here so I can continue my tests and do a few videos. RF Limited is committed in providing quality products. I have dealt with Eric on a few things in the past and always returned my e-mails. Keep up the good work Robb, take care...Reno "Bulldog"
Got my CR 577 yesterday and have had all positive comments on the mic. i am using it on a 2970 N2. Settings so far that seem to work best for me are Mic vol at about 5 and Tone at 4, with the radios mic setting at midrange. Both with locals and skip talking yesterday these settings seem to be the best for me.
In conclusion I called RF Limited and talked with Sam Lewis. He told me it will get fixed and send it to The Radio Shop. Chris Holland is the developer of this microphone.

Well , at least I did what was asked of me. Cheers to Mr Holland ! , and for the fact that he is a humble man and doesn't need no pats on the back and usually keeps under the radar. If it says RF-Limited on it , you can bet that he had something to do with it, and I think alot might be suprised what he has had his hands in and on concerning that company.

Whatever the case may be ? These 577's are good mic's. Is it better then a 575 ? I really don't know but it seems to perform very well in tests done by me. IM no expert , I just have a few decades of experiance and I know what I like and that's what matters the most. Also the fact that I don't need to shell out 100.00 bucks for a used 575 if need be. (and I wouldn't anyway)

The mic's are made well and will stand the test of time. I got mine a month ago from the source. I see that Copper has them for 39.99 as well . (that is the best price I've seen)

Also ......damn nice pictures 777 ! mind me asking what kind of camera that is ? Very nice
Got my CR 577 yesterday and have had all positive comments on the mic. i am using it on a 2970 N2. Settings so far that seem to work best for me are Mic vol at about 5 and Tone at 4, with the radios mic setting at midrange. Both with locals and skip talking yesterday these settings seem to be the best for me.

very good. your setting are were they SHOULD be. on one video i seen on utube
guy had both mic and radio gasins wide open.no wonder why most say
it wasnt clear huh.i run my radios with power mics like yours both at
half way.NEVER full tolt on mic gain oin radio.just at midway
My Camera!

I got this Kodak CX7530 5.0 MP Digial Camera as a birthday present a good number of years ago. It has been mounted on the back of my truck bumper, lawn mower, radio controlled car, I have shot many pictures of equipment and the world famous famous YouTube videos of myself, Bull Dog 777, all done by the same camera.
Still Has A Hum Issue!

The CR577 came back from California. It still has a hum issue. The problem was not solved. I spent extra $$$ to send it out. Previously spent personal time above what I should of to do testing. I cannot recommend this microphone using in a home with a radio on a power supply. Since the microphone works great in a mobile environment that is where it's being used, on my Cobra 148 GTL. I really was hope for the solution. Was told about a couple things to try like insulate the transistor legs, add a cap or transformer. I have not seen much information except one other person having a hum issue. Will be scanning the web for other user comments.
just for kicks try putting the 148 in the house on power supply
i cant honestly understand why it hums only on base.and reason
why i say use the 148 is cause we already know it works good in the mobile
so in theory it SHOULD work same when on base on power supply
ive seen mic act differently with different radios.this is why i say this
and has to be a radio that you know it doent hum with
Hey Robb, nice finally chatting with you today. When I said 577b mic, you thought I was talking about this new unit, my apologize. I meant the Shure 577b cartridge microphone with true noise cancelling abilities (not just some foam stuffed into the case.

Anyways, hope I was sounding nice and clear out there, and thanks for helping tune me in a few times, I really appreciate it.

Have a good one man, I'll be on the band tomorrow.

I would have to agree that it is overmodulated. You could have turned it down to 1 or 2 and still been real loud. At 3 it was still too much. Even the guy taking the video was trying to say that nicely. The third party that came on briefly sounded good though.

What happened to 36-40 being reserved for sideband?


Have to agree with pack rat,every time you spoke Robb it sounded very distorted.i'm listening to it on a jvc super a (set on pure direct with no treble/bass settings in the audio line) integrated amp with mission m34 speakers.

the other guy on the radio sounded very clear to me so you can't blame the receivers volume being too loud,the problem is the way your radio is set up.

testing a mic (hope thats cool for you pack rat;)) with compression or top gun modulator on is pretty much useless and tells us nothing about the true nature of the microphone response itself.

how about a replay with all the gizmo's switched off? preferrably on a radio that ain't set up for swing/distortion.then we may be able to judge how good or bad the microphone itself actually sounds.
YamahaDude (the guy who made the viddy) had his radio up too high; he even said as much to me. He's a local that I talk to very often - some 6 miles away from my QTH.
Sooo...It's a moot point I'm afraid...
I use this mic every day with a Galaxy 99V and the Sirio Z-180 in the mobile - because it just works/sounds better than a D104/MM II. No contest.
YamahaDude (the guy who made the viddy) had his radio up too high; he even said as much to me. He's a local that I talk to very often - some 6 miles away from my QTH.
Sooo...It's a moot point I'm afraid...
I use this mic every day with a Galaxy 99V and the Sirio Z-180 in the mobile - because it just works/sounds better than a D104/MM II. No contest.

in all honesty i doubt any mic will sound good on that radio,as for his volume up too loud,it was barely past 9 o clock,well within normal listening levels,and you and he must be tone deaf if you think the 3rd party's audio doesn't sound better than yours with both the mic's you used.

your radio is seriously overmodulating,even with the first mic,unless your heavily into gangster rap it just don't sound good no matter what way you cut it.my jvc super a amp is a very clean amplifier,my speakers brutally expose any shortcomings in audio,including badly recorded music.allowing for limitations of my computers soundcard which isn't up to the standard of my hifi gear,you still sound crap.you sound like badly compressed mp3 music.but the 3rd party sounds fine,how do you explain that with everything else equal?

if your going to put yourself in the firing line doing reviews,which i personally have no issue with,you should at least learn how to set up a radio properly and be willing to accept criticism when your written review
doesn't add up to the video which unlike you can't change FACT,not even Sam Lewis can implant video evidence.
Oh and just for the record,i have no doubt that microphone will sound just fine on a decent radio.

moot points are only in your mind Robb,my criticism is as valid as about the 20 odd other guys who have criticised your audio on this thread.
CR577 construction

I have this mic along with an xtreme 2018. The 577 sounds somewhat like the Turner JM+2/U although not as characteristic of a ceramic element mic like the Turner. The best ceramic mic is the Turner IMO because of its super large well made ceramic element. The Turner resonated the mid range voice in a way that is hard to describe but is something like a metalic resonance of an aluminum can. The 577 doesn't quite do that. It does however perform close to a 575 Astatic. I was hoping to get the Turner JM+2/U effect. In any case, I like the CR577 for it strong and adjustable tonal qualities, it modulates very fully the voice range when set right (emphasize the bass for higher voices, and lower the bass response for deeper voices). It colors the voice uniquely, nothing else does that on the market at this point.

What I am bummed by is the poor mic case engineering and materials used on these RF Limited mics. For such an awesome performing mic, the fit and finish is poor and so are the ergonomics. The Astatics when assembled are solid and strong, the way a mic should be, again IMO.

So, I use the CR577 for local talking for that good voice freq. fidelity. Then I switch to my Road Devil when there are pileups of traffic. My 2018 is used when I want a Hi Fi kind of sound or when I want to play with echo (very very rarely).
What I am bummed by is the poor mic case engineering and materials used on these RF Limited mics. For such an awesome performing mic, the fit and finish is poor and so are the ergonomics.

... and this is exactly why I won't give this mic the time of day to test. I was really dissappointed to learn this new mic was going to use this same POS casing. I love the audio of the 2018, but will not use the mic due to the sub-par casing.

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