There is a lot of pain here - I don't know how the others may feel about it, but I do find some comfort that I am not left standing alone in this.
Again, thank you all.
Again, thank you all.
. . . when a structured environment such as this forum is breeched by those that want nothing more than to post links, messages or photos - as a means to defame, detract or otherwise disrupt an otherwise peaceful setting - I would like to know there is someone here that is willing to nip it in the bud or transfer-move the thread to a less likely board in the forums that is more firewalled for it. So at least those that are not registered - aren't going to see "Radio Porn" unless they register and become a member that chooses this route - by choice - not by someone else that says "it exists so therefore I am"
This is interesting to see someone say. I was getting the impression that there is a lack of repair technicians available. I have called places simply asking for parts, and if they do repairs, they often ask if I can handle some of their overflow, without even knowing what my level of competency is. When it comes to transceivers, I am a total noob, but I don't like telling people that, so I just tell them I am too busy at the moment to take on any more work, which I kind of am. One shop told me that they have to turn away so much work that they could keep several shops in business, and begged me to let them know if things changed. I have also seen the lamenting on this very forum about how few shops will accept mail in business.All they do is trample over each other for the few customers that are out there.
And that is why some of these guys are as vicious as they are.