he is no tech. he just plays one on youtube
So you can think of his channel as a comedy with a lot of drama you tube special..
He needs an alien or a talking methed out dog with him...
he is no tech. he just plays one on youtube
he was posting videos selling off radios he cant fix...
he is a "Tech" why cant he fix them?
Score: GF=1, Freedom=0. LOLthat was not me i left and my girlfriend did that not me
Glad you see this too...
It's looking more and more like he's hitting a wall in his own cognitive abilities to continue fixing radios.
Now, before you go on about how I'm being mean, I'm not - look more at the wide range of, or span, of technology he has to keep track of. From Tube, to Discrete (and all their variances) on up to the PLL using BCD, onto Serial input programming onto the SMD as well as all the multi-layering boards and the transitions from Linear (Bi-Polar) to non-Linear (MOSFET/JFET) designs.
And you expect him to understand all aspect of the customers views - on top of the ability to generate a sale from his inventory. If you ever bought a used car, this statement cannot be said enough - even for a SELLER to take in a TRADE - Caveat Emptor!
Its' not his fault, but a simple change on any machine - be it radio (electronic) or mechanical - can really goof things up to stop up the mess so badly, a cascade failure. They can't undo the change for the damage has been done, to more parts along the chain. Now it costs more than it's worth to fix due to the age and parts availability.
We can't prove he did it, but if he forgot to look for or prevent a failure during a power up - we can't even prove it was from his own hand or was someone getting rid of a brick to get something more from a simple brick and trying to sell Tim, a brick telling them it's got gold in it. Now he has to recoup the loss incurred from that burn.
... You Know You're A DB'er When...
... You Spend More Time Fixing Your Radio...
... Than Talking On It...
View attachment 25085
They where older uniden radios. so i don't know what new tech your talking...
So you can think of his channel as a comedy with a lot of drama you tube special..
He needs an alien or a talking methed out dog with him...
If a radio in his shop needs an actual repair, he will re-cap it first, hope for the best, start changing out IC's next, hope for the best, and then if it still doesn't work, the radio magically becomes a POS basket case that is not worth fixing.
That is exactly what was said in the vid - :+> Andy <+:Keeping his lack of actual repair skills a secret from his customers is a huge deal to him.
They think they are sending their radio to an actual repair technician that also happens to mod radios, and what do you think it would do to their confidence in him if he were to tell them the truth about the fact that he never learned how to troubleshoot anything because he isolated himself from the entire CB repair community many years ago.