hard mount it and don't look back,,,
If only it were that simple... Some people have limitations that just don't allow for this. The work truck example given above for instance.
The DB
hard mount it and don't look back,,,
I have an older model I think it's a sirio hi power 4000 possibly thinking of getting the newer model there seems to be a cheaper version also pl 5000 and a performer .
Save your money. The 5000 performs no better than the 4000, in fact its identical, so you're setting fire to money but both the 4000 and 5000 perform better than the 3000 enough to make it worth buying one.
I used to run a sirio megawatt 4000 I've heard the newer pl performer 5000 are top shelf
For sure partner I will post a picture when it Arrives .5000 performer comes in 2 types now, base loaded and center loaded. One has a shaft and one doesn't. The performer 5000 is a bit shorter than the hp4000, not by anything significant. The performer 5000 folds at the base and not up higher like the hp 4000. I liked the hp4000 myself but the whip was a bit on the thin side IMO. Could have used the 4mm whip and been fine. The smaller whip just seemed to bend too much while traveling at hwy speeds. The older sirio performer 5000's had the 4mm whip and now have the 3.5mm whip. Doesn't seem like much, but the older ones were a bit more robust and had a better tip. Not as skinny as the new ones. I know, .5mm, but it was enough to make a difference IMO. I've an old one and a new one and the old whip is def. thicker. And better taper. Not knocking the new antennas as I currently use one myself, just wish they would have kept the thicker whip. Rant over, some antennas are on sale and some are the newer models like the rigid 4000, curious to see one of those in person but have way too many mobile antennas to just buy another. If you happen to get one, post up some pics.
Let us know if it helpedApologies but by decal do you mean the tin foil layer or the round metal block in centre. Whilst it has the metal block in centre of magnet it has no foil present.
Thank you.
Thank you just googled sirio decal which is the foil layer. No it hasn't and I will ad this tomorrow and retest .
Fingers crossed