I'll give you that because I admit that I get things twisted in my head at times.
having sat here and reread this thread and thought about it for a while I saw that I had reversed my own logic.....
I was wrong twice, once about thermal increase causing class changes more toward C and also about diodes in the texas star bias.
heat will make the amp go more toward AB it is added voltage and added drive that will go more toward class C
and the only diodes in bias are on the biggest texas stars, the rest use resistors.
I could have accidentally typed diode instead of resistors but still it was a mistake.
I'll give you that because I admit that I get things twisted in my head at times.
having sat here and reread this thread and thought about it for a while I saw that I had reversed my own logic.....
I was wrong twice, once about thermal increase causing class changes more toward C and also about diodes in the texas star bias.
heat will make the amp go more toward AB it is added voltage and added drive that will go more toward class C
and the only diodes in bias are on the biggest texas stars, the rest use resistors.
I could have accidentally typed diode instead of resistors but still it was a mistake.