Anyone play with 11 meter SSTV......
As a matter of fact.... I have played with SSTV and DIGI quite a bit last summer and fall, but all to EU, France mostly. I keep asking myself why it never caught on here, but I know the logical answer. Still that has not stopped thousands of CB'er from using big rigs and amps and any antenna they can get in the air for voice, noise toys, religious speils and to block other legal chit chat any time they so desire, does it?
EU stations use 27.500usb for digi modes and 27.700usb for SSTV. OK, using these "uppers" are
more illegal than using digi modes, and will probably draw attention faster, but there are other frequencies that are used, although not as much and those are 27.245usb and 27.305usb.
Anyone who has done the research knows the laws about this, so I won't even go there other than to mention that these laws don't seem to bother most people, or even slow them down. Once the camels nose is under the tent flap, it's too late to keep him out, so again, I wonder why, since it is so easy to do digi or SSTV, more people haven't found an interest in it. Once it got popular, there really would be no stopping it, would there. :tongue: