Hello everyone,
Below is Justin's recommended receiver alignment procedure. You'll notice he says to turn L3 and L4 1/3 to the right or until the noise floor decreases. This is very similar to what Galaxy has recommended with their newer radios. If the information below is not formatted correctly it can also be found on CB Tricks.
As a side note DTB is one of the most honest and knowledgeable techs around.
Frequency to 27.205 MHz
Mode AM
RF GAIN fully clockwise.
SQUELCH fully counter clockwise
VOLUME to comfortable level.
RF Generator output to 27.205 MHz at 100uV modulated 30% with 1 KHz audio tone. Connect AF VTVM or scope across speaker terminals.
RF Generator to ANT Jack (in order)
L6, L7
L8, L10
L11, L12
L3, L4 Adjust for max. output reading on 'S" meter. Turn L3 and L4 approximately 1/3 turn to the right, or until noise floor decreases from the point of 'peak." Check scope for signs of noise on waveform. Now, back L6 out � turn