TE is really good...and antenna antenna antenna...99 percent of your station is antenna and coax
Are you having problems hitting a repeater?
Are you having problems hitting a repeater?
That was my first thought. Many local hams just run small hand held 2m radio's and talk all over.
i would love to get ahold of a mobile antenna first with some gain that would take a 500 watt amp on the 70cm side to run in the mobile
i take that back maybe a good 250 to 500 range
and when the band is closed, then a piece of wet string will do wonders.
A gallon or gallon and a half is a waste for terrestrial communications on VHF, even for contesting IMHO.Not to slam CB'ers, I consider myself more of a CB'er than an amateur, but this sounds like CB mentality and though it doesn't belong on that band , lets keep it there.
I am with you on this one. 1.5kw on 2 m WHY??