unfortunately it doesn't work that way. the transistors produce slightly higher gain at lower input drive levels and the gain begins to drop as drive is increased. you'll find that the carrier level from the transmitter will be noticably less than 10W to produce 200W of carrier from the DX1600. if you'll look back at the beginning of this mess you'l remember that TS states that 4W in produces 175W out........
Ok. I think i am starting to see the big picture. So, if i were to input 10W carrier to the dx1600, I would get 450w carrier out. This would be a little higher than what I should run it at as the amp would be swinging around 1300 PEP. Ideally the amp should swing around 800-900 PEP to keep it stable, and non-distorted on AM.
Or am I wrong, and would it be ok to drive a DX1600 with 10 watt carrier?
Another question... am i correct in assuming that in theory, 100% modulation is 4x the carrier (minus any ineffeciencies) .
And am i correct in thinking this way because you are effecively doubling (100% increase) the amplitude on BOTH the peak and trough of the wave from the carrier?