Homer they still say things like that, I've worked Arkansas, Western Oklahoma, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
Not a lot in Western Oklahoma but enough to know your gonna fight lost circulation there. And I know what you mean, they build a multi million dollar rig and expect you to keep it running with duct tape, chewing gum and soft line cord. Today's rigs are Cadillac's, Derick hand sets in the doghouse and pulls pipe back with a joystick, we're puffnecks now days not roughnecks, and its beginning to become to hard for me, age ,injuries and my want to aren't helping. I broke out on a Spencer Harris Kelly rig, swinging blocks, throwing tongs and a spinning chain, not a lot of spinning chain experience but enough to know if that chain hand losses that chain its gonna smack ya a time or two. If I ever had to go back to that, just dig a hole because that'll be the death of me for sure.