just scanned through the thread and it looks like you are not having much luck with the tuning caps.
just as a lark, check the value of C3 in your particular amp. This is the DC blocking cap on the input.
the schematic shows it to be a 1000pF (.001uF).
I have seen chassis with a 2000pF (.002uF) here which would be less resistance at 27mhz.
If this cap has gone low in value, due to the amp having been hit with a large deadkey or other calamaties, this cap could be causing you issues.
lift one leg and check its value.
again, just a wild guess in case you hit a dead end.
also, be sure to use a different radio, using all the same coax, in order to determine if you have a radio that has problems with its output filtering.
for example, if someone turned that 54mhz slug in the back of your madison, then you could have more output at 54 mhz than an amp wants to see.
If you have one radio that always seems to give you a high input SWR when using an amp, the radio itself could be the reason.
also, 464, or a 465 are the trimmer caps to try with this chassis.