I was one of the last to get an FCC issued cb call sign before the requirement was dropped my call was kir6227, my handle was reble. I know the l and e are reversed. I have dyslexia. I know how to spell rebel correctly now but I use it as reble now on the internet as a nick and login because it is unique. Not meny ppl use it for id or a nick spelled that way on the internet. I am also one of a dwindling few that knows how to repair and use the old tube and early transistor (point to point wiring) 2 way radios. Most new hams now a days doesn't even know what tuning the plate and load on the final tubes means let alone how to do it.
I still have my Cobra 98 from the 70's. It's a tube set and I was Chicken Choker in Livermore, CA. KJT 6691.