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To Master Chief and antennas experts

to all that have been following this,

i bought a new maco Alpha V58 and i followed up Master Cheif's Instructions and everything works great,
27.555 swr 1.1 R:50 Z:49 X:0 thanks for the help everyone!

New Maco:

old Maco: (sold)
1.1 on 27.555 ? Whats' it's match out on Channel 26.965 Channel 1 ? Just was wondering ? My personal favorite antenna for the 11 meter band. After about 6 of them in a 20 year span , I often wonder why they can be so difficult for others ?(I suppose the first one can be trying) I've always found the directions to be pretty much ballpark other then usually being to long , usually shortening the antenna a few feet from the directions would usually drop the match right around 1.2 or 3 on 26.965 1.1 on 27.205 and 1.2 or 3 on 27.405 ......they would always pretty much match about the same , you always new if you were over a 2.5 or so that the antenna was usually to long , I always found that if you put the wire clamp where the directions stated ,I was always good to go......I suppose you could try and finer tune it by that clamp once you had a decent ballpark match but usually for me ,if it was set my the directions I was usually getting the right match to begin with. Over the years ,what I may not have known ? never really hurt me , that I know of . Very good looking Rabalo , hope you enjoy your antenna. I always did. (-:
tx Switch kit. so here we go.

........... SWR R. X.. Z
26.995... 2.0 50 30 63
27.205... 1.6 42 13 43
27.405... 1.4 41 13 43
27.675... 1.0 50 02 50
28.000... 1.4 71 08 71
What R X and Z Means?????????

Hi Robalo(Pescadito):

Do you care to explain what R X and Z means????
How do I know what is good or bad, the combination of numbers from R X and Z????

Thanks amigo, I will be waiting for your prompt reply!

73's. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Robalo said:
tx Switch kit. so here we go.

........... SWR R. X.. Z
26.995... 2.0 50 30 63
27.205... 1.6 42 13 43
27.405... 1.4 41 13 43
27.675... 1.0 50 02 50
28.000... 1.4 71 08 71

I think I understand ? You tuned it for the higher freebands ? at least that's what the wave looks like to my knowledge. even though the others will work where power would not be a concern. 27.405 .........1.4 .........27.675.......1.0.........28.000........1.4
that surely would look about right to me. (-: I'd say that was pretty darn good for 60 some channels from end to end.

Robalo wrote:
75' RG8X ( same as lmr400)

how do you figure that
RG8X sucks
LMR400 is so so

if one truely wants good coax for a base antenna
look into hardline

such as Andrews Heliax LDF5-50A or LDF7-50A
if one is using more then couple hundred watts
if one wants to best keep their swr's low low
if one is running more then 60 feet
if one wants to not need change coax for 10 years

then get andrews heliax LDF4 or better coax
if you perfer LMR use nothing less then LMR900

well no wonder..
look where you got the info from...lol

try looking where true professionals get their coax from
(although there are a few companies like this)


so you see...
it is equilent of LMR240 perhaps

i am not big even on LMR400
(which is about the same but slightly better then RG213)

a single connector for my andrews heliax LDF7-50A is $275
(more then most are willing to spend on their radio)

here is my better stuff (165 feet of it)

here is my decent stuff (365 feet)

too many people over look coax and use just whatever is at hand...

sure radio is importent (more so then most realise)
antenna is hugely importent
coax is also extremly importent

so is location and antenna height

KingCobra_CDX882 said:
i am not big even on LMR400
(which is about the same but slightly better then RG213)
You obviously do not know the differences between these two coax. You may not like LMR-400, but it is FAR superior to RG-213 on a number of levels.

1. Less Loss
2. Higher velocity factor
3. Better shielding
4. Lighter weight
Master Chief said:
KingCobra_CDX882 said:
i am not big even on LMR400
(which is about the same but slightly better then RG213)
You obviously do not know the differences between these two coax. You may not like LMR-400, but it is FAR superior to RG-213 on a number of levels.

1. Less Loss
2. Higher velocity factor
3. Better shielding
4. Lighter weight
..................I'll second that :)
Hey King, I sure would like to see some pictures of your stuff. How about a few snapshots in the pictures section. Just about everybody else is there.

Master Chief can i do hardwire on this antenna with the balun you see on the picture. i dont like the connector. i been thinking how to do it. tx
MC, above theres 2 pictures of 2 different antennas. the new one has a black bushing, and the old one has a white bushing. whats the difference? on the new one i know its a maco V5/8 but the old one, im not sure what kind of antenna it is.

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