If those two VR's don't do anything, TR24 had been removed. Replace TR24 and that will restore your adjustability of the VR's. Outside of that, its possible that the radio is out of alignment, and will need a transmit alignment.
If it is missing; then it will need to be replaced with a 2sc945. That is a very common part found in most CB radio chassis. If it is missing; then take one out of an old, junker radio. There is a flat side on the transistor; just line up the flatside with the silkscreen marked on the board where the original part was. You will see it on the board at the tr24 location. Easy as pie; piece of cake.
Why would someone remove it?
Usually, because they think it is a mod. For just AM use, it is. But it comes with consequences. First, it make SSB nearly impossible to use, as Xit13 described. Once tr24 is out of circuit, there is no regulating SSB because the AM Limter/tr24 not only regulates AM modulation, it is also joined/linked to the ALC circuit. Once it is removed, neither circuit will work as designed.
Ya know, if it was just an AM only radio that would be bad enough. But by removing it, it just makes it usable on AM only. Doubtless, some will disagree because they hardly ever use SSB so they aren't really aware. Or they know and simply don't care. Whatever. There are guys that I hear on ch 38/LSB sometimes during skip that have done this mod to their radio, and I tell them to put their AM Limiter back in because their radio sounds like squat. Very distinct, recognizable crap. Makes them sound really nasty and hard to understand.
There are better means to get more modulation; if 100% isn't enough. Xit13 came up with a mod that doesn't mess with SSB and produces more than 150% AM modulation. It is here somewhere on the forum if you look. Hsvrn't done it yet myself; but Xit13 knows his stuff and I don't doubt him for a second.
What's wrong with that? I remember the thread, and there were no flat tops or pinched carriers.150% modulation lol!
It took me awhile but i found where if was supposed to be...yup its gone....whoever took it out was good at soldering....looked like one was never there.......taking tr24 out makes your ssb so it only puts out 6 watts?
No; but it will make the radio impossible to align the SSB/ALC control as well as hard to control AM peak modulation. I've replaced every single AM Limiter that was removed from all the radios I got used and have never looked back.
Check the setting of vr10. But chances are, since someone has already gotten their golden screwdriver in there (evident with the removal of tr24), then they may have also volted the final, turned down vr10, and changed the values of some other parts as well (some caps and resistors). Depends who was in there and how much he changed. Try turning vr10 up for 4w/dead key on AM for starters; that should bring up the swing some too.
You also need to gauge PEP with an accurate meter . . .