Anyone on a budget should keep older SSB CB in mind. If you get one cheap and recap them and add a 1-2 pill amp with name brand transistors Macom, Toshiba, MRF etc.....You can have a fantastic sounding station on the cheap.
For Instance the Radioshack TRC-435 I think it is if you align them, increase the modulation, put a nice mic on them leave them at 4 watts and put a 1-2 transistor amp like a 2XMRF455, 454, 2SC2290, 2SD1466,2SC2879 or a 1x3 etc......You can have a fantastic sounding station.
Anything a Cobra 2000 can do on-air audio wise a Cobra 148, Uniden Madison, Uniden or Cybernet built TRC, Cybernet, GE SSB or like radio can do even better especially if it is an early 858 chassis that has had it's caps replaced and common issues fixed. If you shop around and wait for a deal it might take a year or two of bidding but you can get a lot of radio fairly cheaply if you let the ones people over bid on pass you buy.
Most vintage CB's if you switch out the caps in the audio area and add an eq in line you can really get some nice audio. If it is SSB you need to be careful about putting too much cap in the audio chain and really go to an eg and electret mic so you can have AM audio that is great but still have good SSB. If you put too much cap in to get the AM audio to sound great with just a dynamic mic you end up killing SSB performance.
If the stock finals are working do not waste time trying different finals or mosfets. If it is working leave it alone and get a cheap 1-2 pill amp. Even a single MRF454 or 2SC2879 will perform better and be more durable than even dual mosfets.