Below are pictures of the Demco-Shure 444 microphone.
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View attachment 29683
And here is my cure for bad microphone elements.
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Above is an Adafruit product. It is a model “MAX 9814”. I have installed one of these in the stock microphone of my 980 SSB and it really woke the radio up. In the 980 it is powered from pin 6 of the stock mike jack. I did have to replace the cord on the mike with a cord with 5 wires to make it happen but it is worth the effort.
I installed one of these in a friends Turner Plus 3 ( I call it a Turner Plus 3 +) to replace a bad element and it made a world of difference!
The Adafruit Max 9814 has a built in AGC circuit as well as programmable output (via jumpers) for 40, 50 or 60 dB gain. I have found that 40 dB gain is more than plenty and have used a resistor in series with the audio output to avoid over driving or squeal. The resistor value has been determined by trial and error. I believe the resistor I used on the 980 SSB was 150k ohms.
For about $8.00 it’s hard to beat!
Happy experimenting!