Ok, did some more digging into the radio.
The only way to get channels is thru a crystal swap. I studied the datasheet for the PLL they use, and what they're doing is using seperate VCOs for the TX and RX, now you can insert a reference divider on the output pin(s), but there's an output pin for both TX AND RX. That being said, you'd need 2 reference dividers, and at that, you'd have to make sure the TX output and the RX output match. In some radios, they do not match (like the 455khz T/R shift in a Cobra 29 LTD for example), therefore putting 2 reference dividers will not work. Next week I plan on ordering 2 crystals from Jan Crystals, 1 crystal @ 10.6917Mhz for 40 up, and 1 crystal @ 9.7917Mhz for 40 down. I'll see if I can switch out the crystals with diode or relay switching, so perhaps I won't need to make an oscillator to amplify the output of each crystal. Will post new info when I can.