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VE7KFM:Victim or physcopath?

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this DEMAND is also addressed to the owner(s), manager(s), operator(s), ‘directing’ mind(s) and/or ISP of this website, jointly and severally.

The owner of this site resides in the U.S. and is subject to U.S. laws, not Canada's. Better brush up on the U.S. laws before making "demands". A posting on a public internet discussion forum does not constitute a legal demand for anything. So when we don't do what you "demand", you'll have to get a court order from a Federal Court in the County of Los Angeles, since that's where the owner resides. And since you're a Canadian, you can't practice law or even represent yourself in the U.S. (you have NO rights here) so you'll need to hire an attorney that has been admitted to the State Bar of California.

Oh one last thing, California courts generally are consdiered to be the ones that are the MOST LIBERAL in their interpretations of the 1st Ammendment of the U.S. Constitution in terms of ruling for individual free speech.

Good luck, you're gonna need it...
The owner of this site resides in the U.S. and is subject to U.S. laws, not Canada's. Better brush up on the U.S. laws before making "demands". A posting on a public internet discussion forum does not constitute a legal demand for anything. So when we don't do what you "demand", you'll have to get a court order from a Federal Court in the County of Los Angeles, since that's where the owner resides. And since you're a Canadian, you can't practice law or even represent yourself in the U.S. (you have NO rights here) so you'll need to hire an attorney that has been admitted to the State Bar of California.

Oh one last thing, California courts generally are consdiered to be the ones that are the MOST LIBERAL in their interpretations of the 1st Ammendment of the U.S. Constitution in terms of ruling for individual free speech.

Good luck, you're gonna need it...

We do not even have to worry about that,

When this person registered he agreed to the rules of this forum so tough shit.

Although the administrators and moderators of WorldWide Radio Forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of WorldWide Radio Forum, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of WorldWide Radio Forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

I have read, and agree to abide by the WorldWide Radio Forum rules.

If he did not agree to these rules he could not register or post
I put ALL of you on Formal Legal NOTICE that this thread “VE7KFM: Victim or physcopath?
Otherwise, have your solicitor contact me at VE7KFM@Gmail.com with your full name(s) and address(es) for legal service

Yes Karol "VE7KFM" I have sent you a email with my name address and phone number. I look forward to hear from you on this matter. ("NOT !!!!!!!!")

Karol first I reside in the southern USA where we do belive in "Freedom Of Speach" being you live in Canada you have zero rights and protection under our constitution.
Buit Karol keep acting like that and everyone you come in contact with will think what is posted is the truth that you just might be psycotic and paranoid.

Second "slick" do you realize what the cost would be to you to bring "Legal Action" against the owner of this discussion board and who ever post on it? Karol if thats really you Laws in the USA and Canada are like day light and dark. Do you think im taking you serious? No I dont take you serious your childish rantings and ravings here and on the airwaves are like a 5 year old who doesnt get his way in the sand box and goes to mommy crying.

You have a ax to grind and from what you have posted on your site, you will stop at nothing to bully your point across. Karol you sound just like a guy I ran across in a yahoo chat room ranting and raving about putting others in jail taking civil action.

Thats all I have to say for now
I think you also failed to mention to Karol that under Section 512 of the Communication Act that ISP and web host are NOT liable for what is posted on their website by third parties. The reason for Section 512 was to protect people's free speech over the internet.

Todd N9OGL
OK I have been researching this 275 information only because I am curious, who is this other person I always see in the mix?


All I see is stuff that he boasts to be "connected" to the FCC?

I did a google of K3VR and found all kinds of "oddball" stuff.

I just sent an email to the FCC and inquired about K3VR and asked if this is a legitimate contact for the FCC. No response yet but it has only been an hour since I sent the email.

Seems to me just this is just another soul wanting to try and make themselves known, any way they can, good or bad.

That is all we need, another piece of drama on the air!

K3VR claims to help the FCC against people like Karol, as well as busting pirates which he brags about on his homepage. Recently K3VR on QRZ.COM claimed that he basically had the FCC permission to maliciously interfere with VE7KFM. Which raises the question, who else are amateurs allowed to interfere with because of their on-air behavior or speech? Does the FCC have list of amateur radio stations that amateurs are allowed to interfere with because of their speech, or behavior. And if so where is this list. K3VR is making this claim that he and his friends are trying to justify what they are doing (interfering) claiming that they have the FCC permission. In my book two wrong don't make a right.

Todd N9OGL
Good points OGL. Maybe the FCC doesn't care if people intentionally interfere with him because the Canadian govt. is doing nothing to regulate it's own.

I think you also failed to mention to Karol that under Section 512 of the Communication Act that ISP and web host are NOT liable for what is posted on their website by third parties. The reason for Section 512 was to protect people's free speech over the internet.

Yeah, that's what I was getting at by hinting that the owner is subject to U.S. laws. I'm not going to do his homework for him. I encourage him to waste all the money he has on lawyers to find out that it's a futile cause.
K3VR claims to help the FCC against people like Karol, as well as busting pirates which he brags about on his homepage. Recently K3VR on QRZ.COM claimed that he basically had the FCC permission to maliciously interfere with VE7KFM. Which raises the question, who else are amateurs allowed to interfere with because of their on-air behavior or speech? Does the FCC have list of amateur radio stations that amateurs are allowed to interfere with because of their speech, or behavior. And if so where is this list. K3VR is making this claim that he and his friends are trying to justify what they are doing (interfering) claiming that they have the FCC permission. In my book two wrong don't make a right.

Todd N9OGL

Brian,K3VR can,and does, make all the claims he wants to but that does not make them true. He is NOT an FCC aux enforcement member and he does NOT have permission to cause intentional QRM.He may think that because of the lackluster attitude the FCC has taken on this issue and others.That is an international issue and not confined to the FCC.regardless of WHY or WHO is occupying a frequency you cannot legally QRM it with the exception that if the station is unlicensed and then they have NO protection at all.
It seems that VE7KFM.COM is ran by spineless individuals. They recently updated their site with a few comments about this thread and this "third rate forum" (not my words theirs) I look at this way

1. these individuals are just bad as Karol, for a number of reasons a.) the promote the idea that they can malicious interfere with people and justify it by claiming basically that they are in their right to do it. b.) they are just as bad as Karol because they post innuendos claiming to their readers that they are true, like Karol they attend to cut paste a small portion of the article, twisting for their own purpose, just like Karol. c.) Anyone who questions their opinion is either a nutcase or has no social value, simply put their opinion is the only true opinion. Karol also has they view point that what he does is justified and his way is the only way
2. VE7KFM.COM are cowards because they hide who they are. The reason they hide who they are, is because some of their material on their site would probably fall under the category of libel and they hide who they are so not to get sued. I will be truthful with you all, THEY (VE7KFM.COM) has attacked me vindictively including posting the phone number of my employer to have people call my boss up and me fired, why? because of my view on the 14.275 MHz. problem, that why. One of the main reasons I leaving radio and going into aviation is because no one seems to care what these individuals are doing, the FCC seems not to care and the Department of Justice seems not to care, so I'm leaving radio and going into another hobby of mine, aviation and traveling, that way I don't have to mess with scum like that anymore.

But go ahead and check what they said
Welcome to "Radio Canada" -- VE7KFM

Todd Daugherty N9OGL
This was posted on my website, and it has come to my attention that this letter is legit.

Todd N9OGL

Normally I would not get involved in what on the surface appears to be a "he said/she said" type of dispute. I am not going to comment as to who was on air first on Sunday -- but both sides are advised that I have tapes of the entire afternoon -- and these tapes did not come from either side (at this point I wouldn't trust a single thing given to me by either side -- as both sides have proven to be so intent upon proving that they are "right" and the other side is "wrong" that they will do and say just about anything to further their cause -- however warped that cause may be). I do feel, however, that some guidance is necessary (that and the fact that I have just about reached the end of my rope with all the players in this little drama!).

Randy -- I don't particularly like what Karol says on the air -- but that does not mean that you (or anyone else) has the right to try to drive him off. I have spent hours listening to tapes (hours that I will never get back, mind you!) and to tell you the truth, even if I did have jurisdiction over Karol (which I DO NOT) nothing that I have heard thus far rises to the level of an actionable complaint. For future reference, in determining what is or is not legal over the air, it depends on what he is saying. The FCC regulates obscenity . . . but general cursing and references to body parts (while certainly obnoxious) does not necessarily rise to the level of obscene speech. Likewise, calling the President names and making general anti-American comments (including comments regarding wishing the terrorists would attack us again and the like), while a sure sign of a lack of sensitivity (not to mention maturity), does not rise to the level of obscene or hate speech either.

Indeed, were Karol an American, his speech would fall squarely under the 1st Amendment -- you know that thing many of our forefathers fought and died for (not to mention our troops overseas right now). When you call yourself patriotic, built within that statement is the acceptance of the Constitution and all it entails -- free speech is one of the cornerstones of that fine document. It doesn't mean only the speech YOU agree with; or only the speech that the majority of folks agree with; or even only speech that isn't offensive to most mature, rational adults. It means ALL speech -- the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly (as Karol is quite often want to spout). (Ok, before you decide to shoot back at me -- yes, there are some types of speech that are restricted. No shouting fire in a crowded theatre or hate speech -- but those are clearly defined by the courts and nothing Karol has said thus far falls into those categories.)

I have requested that Karol tone down his "act" -- (and if you don't get that it is an "act" -- you missed the whole point of his exercise with you and your buddies at 14.275. He is TRYING to incite you -- and succeeding admirably as you all have fallen into the trap.) However, I can promise you that he will/has not responded favorably to my request. He is going to continue the "act" -- and you guys thus far have demonstrated that you are going to continue falling into his trap. What does that say about the cognitive abilities of the Americans as they are all being led around by a master manipulator.

I sure wish we could regulate stupidity -- but it just isn't within the current confines of the rules. If it were, every single one of the actors here would be slapped with a fine just for being stupid/gullible and wasting my time (not to mention the years that Riley wasted trying to bring you guys back in line). What is within the confines of the rules, however is that fact that I can (AND WILL) enforce the rules against any Americans who cause harmful interference to Karol (and any of the folks who elect to engage him in QSOs). Let me repeat that so everyone understands it -- RETALIATORY JAMMING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND IS IN VIOLATION OF THE RULES!

I hope you all got my message here -- I have just about had it with the juvenile antics on the part of the American licensees. By the way, playing bulletins and tapes of a deceased licensee repeatedly in an effort to tie up the frequency so that Karol (and others) cannot use it actually does rise to the level of malicious interference -- and is subject to a possible enforcement action. Likewise, I won't even go into the ridiculous sound effects, endless playing of music, and general pre-pubescent behavior that quite a number of folks engage in on a daily basis at 14.275 -- again, all in an attempt to prevent Karol from engaging in QSOs. It needs to stop and needs to stop right now!

Can you tell I'm pissed? If you haven't yet figured it out let me clue you in here -- this behavior either stops now or everyone involved will find themselves on the receiving end of enforcement letters. This is an absolute disgrace -- I know kindergartners that have shown a higher degree of maturity than the whole bunch of you!!


Laura L. Smith, Esq. | 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325 | 717-338-2577 (phone) | 717-338-2574 (fax)
The Queen has spoken.......

And she is right. If everyone on 14.275 just ignored this assclown from the start, he would have gone away, but too many people allow themselves to get roped in, and engage him. This is just fuel for his fire, and as long as you keep throwing gasoline on the fire, the fire will not only keep burning, it will grow out of control, and that's what has happened with this Karol character. He's manipulated all who engaged with him, those who argued with him, and all those who interfered with his radio transmissions.

I learned a long time ago on CB, there's always going to be whackers, jerkoff's, and assclowns out there abusing the air waves...(amateur radio is no different in this regard)..... it's the greatest platform they can operate from as long as they hold an audience. Take away the audience, and they soon will tire and move on.

In the short time that I've been able to access the 80 meter band, I've heard several round table rag chews that I didn't care for the general content of what was being discussed, I did not attempt to stop, correct, or engage them, I spun the dial.......
I Have Listened No Time For Someone Like This He Play's Hitlers Speeches Over The Air No Thanks I'LL PASS I Have Got A Life Too Lead , He is Of POOR Character ! Flawed From The WOMB!
I Have Listened No Time For Someone Like This He Play's Hitlers Speeches Over The Air No Thanks I'LL PASS I Have Got A Life Too Lead , He is Of POOR Character ! Flawed From The WOMB!

FYI,not all of what appears to be KFM on the air is REALLY KFM himself. I'm NOT defending him in ANY way but I do know as fact that there are some that pretend to be him just to stir things up worse than they already are. A simple spin of the beam will confirm that.
I Have Listened No Time For Someone Like This He Play's Hitlers Speeches Over The Air No Thanks I'LL PASS I Have Got A Life Too Lead , He is Of POOR Character ! Flawed From The WOMB!

That would probably be KZ8O doing that, he was also caught last Sunday by the FCC playing tapes of W4NTI (who's dead) over KFM. Mike (KZ8O) has also been known to run DX stations off of and near "his frequency"

Todd N9OGL
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