After thinking a bit more I realised that given KFM's Polish background, if it was Hitler's speeches being played, then it was DEFINATELY NOT KFM. It would have been done by someone else to incite him even more.
Well its been over a year and a half since any posts on this topic, but today I got some first hand listening on 14.273 of VE7KFM and N1GJT.
All I can say is Wow, talk about crap slinging. I also went to the web sites of both sides of this ever lasting fight and one side backs up claims with documentation while the other just rants and raves.
Just google it if your curious. I was curious as to why this is still going on, seems Enforcement on both sides US and Canadian don't really care.
Its good entertainment live, almost like a Jerry Springer show hehehe
Not trying to start a shit storm, but when I did a search of the call sign WorldwideDX came up so I figured I would post.
Yup documentation can be fudged, and after reading the two main culprit web sites you can get a feeling of who is the wackier one of the bunch.
I listened to VE7KFM for about 20 minutes, thats all I could handle. He is entitled to his opinion, I dont happen to agree with him so I just turned the big knob on the radio.
Like I said I am just surprised that nothing has been done to either party in regards to behavior on the radio. Anyway its entertainment for a short period of time. Its also Mind over Matter, I dont Mind and they dont Matter :w00t:
Their is no real monetary value for either entity in the U.S or Canada to approach these morons so nothing has been done but me being the shit stirrer
I am I enjoy each's rantings not that I agree with either but that there is a physiological war between the 2 lines of thought and by the pure nature that hams are intellectually superior and I feel good just watching or listening to these people beat each other up simply for my entertainment because they surely know that others are listening, keep on self policing yourselves.
Mack,, I am laughing so hard here, "Keep policing yourselves" classic
So much about that freq has been posted on the net, and some sites have been set up to disprove anything that is said by the other.
I look at it like they are Jerry's kids, Jerry Springer that is.
Cheap entertainment and I sometimes put it on that freq for back ground noise while I am working on something in the shack, for amusement purposes only.
I just stay away from the minute piece of radio spectrum they use to pontificate their insanity. So there
Not trying to start a shit storm, but when I did a search of the call sign WorldwideDX came up so I figured I would post.
Yup documentation can be fudged, and after reading the two main culprit web sites you can get a feeling of who is the wackier one of the bunch.
I listened to VE7KFM for about 20 minutes, thats all I could handle. He is entitled to his opinion, I dont happen to agree with him so I just turned the big knob on the radio.
Like I said I am just surprised that nothing has been done to either party in regards to behavior on the radio. Anyway its entertainment for a short period of time. Its also Mind over Matter, I dont Mind and they dont Matter :w00t:
I normally would not post on a subject like this but my first experience w/KFM occured many years ago. We were testing/tuning a home-built 20 mtr transmitter (well away from KFM's domain, BTW). We had been id'ing every 10 and were about ready to call it one when he BLASTED in, demanding to know our callsigns! My friend (owner/builder of the rig, in typical old-ticket style, said "Absolutely, Sir, immediately following yours. This is an on-going QSO". Whereupon 'KFM blasted into a diatribe on US amateurs, Riley Hollingsworth, and Pres. George Bush. I'm not sure he was not drunk. He made 75/80 sound like kinder-garden sandbox talk! I didn't post this to get a response, just to tell everyone here MY PERSONAL experience with VE7KFM. I have limited radio time and I will not use it to listen such s**t as that. You guys are a great bunch, -don't git sucked into the vile hatred this miserable SOB spews. (I REALLY wish I knew why he was so miserable?).....'73 all....Merry Christmas!