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Video/review of the revolutionary Icom-7300 Software defined Export CB

Apparently so. Not sure what his problem is but the 7300 is no more an export CB than any other amateur radio. Something must have bitten him at one time and he can't shake the infection. Personally I think it is rather infantile and is wearing thin.

What makes it different then lets say an Amateur 10 meter transceiver that opened up transmits out of band?

They call those export radios. Why do they call those export radios?
Does Ameritron still sell export amplifiers? One might compliment this radio.

RM-Italy KL-503 compliments it well if you want but its not necessary. The IC-7300 is fine as it is no need for extra power. 100w pep SSB. Its a little lunchbox radio with the icom handle. I am amazed at how much technology is packed into such a small radio.

would make for a nice NVIS setup with some solar panels,battery etc. :) so tiny this radio.

Back in the days you wanted to see some spectrum you needed some expensive setups that cost as much as a house built by Watkins-Johnson using specialized panadaptors that took in the IF output from super kilobuck WJ radios sitting in some 3 letter agency listening post. like the RS-160 Pan-man system.
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I want to add that in outdoors 82f south florida ambient, talking on this radio etc.. the fan never kicks in. The PA etc.. just loafs.
RM-Italy KL-503 compliments it well if you want but its not necessary. The IC-7300 is fine as it is no need for extra power. 100w pep SSB. Its a little lunchbox radio with the icom handle. I am amazed at how much technology is packed into such a small radio.

would make for a nice NVIS setup with some solar panels,battery etc. :) so tiny this radio.

Back in the days you wanted to see some spectrum you needed some expensive setups that cost as much as a house built by Watkins-Johnson using specialized panadaptors that took in the IF output from super kilobuck WJ radios sitting in some 3 letter agency listening post. like the RS-160 Pan-man system.

No tinker toys allowed. There's a 3-500z minimum here.
What makes it different then lets say an Amateur 10 meter transceiver that opened up transmits out of band?

They call those export radios. Why do they call those export radios?

I guess you missed the boat on what a true "export" radio is. They were built to be supposedly exported outside FCC jurisdiction but of course the real intent is/was to be used from basically 26-28 MHz. Amateur radios are exactly that. Amateur radios. I suspect you knew this anyway but choose to call amateur radios export radios for whatever reason you have come up with yourself.
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What makes it different then lets say an Amateur 10 meter transceiver that opened up transmits out of band?

It's still an FCC approved amateur radio to start with whereas the others are not. What is done with it afterwards is irrelevant as long as the operator transmits it within the class of his license.

It's a shame that has to be explained to you unless your trolling for attention.

Then again you posted this on the CB/export radio forum so maybe you don't no the difference.
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Well I am using it for CB so this is the best place to post it. Lighten up a bit, nothing wrong with some tounge and cheek humor. I see so many people spending tons of money buying hacked up cbs when the better thing would just be to buy one good radio vs trying to chase the holy grail of exports.

For me i would rather see tons of ham gear sold for cb which means better cleaner operation and Icom etc.. continue to profit and keep making equipment. I have converted many to the this type of gear and they are hooked, several now looking to study for test and get the ticket. Its the gateway drug.

They are kind of there in plain sight, the multitude of excellent ham radios that can be put to service on CB and when you get your ticket, you now can work all bands no forklift upgrade needed.

Set the panadapter to show 200khz on each side of my center frequency i was able to see someone working a channel 40khz away so i switched to 14 and there they were the crane guys. Nothing like being able to see a bunch of CB channels all at once for activity and being able to get a contact.
You wont miss anything with this.

So far exceptional low noise floor, dont even need to use NR much lower than the traditional superhet receivers.

Reports on the IC-7300 AM have been excellent from many operators. Talking with the crane operators this morning 15+ miles out and getting reports of clear articulate audio, easy to understand.

Antenna is a custom made portable base antenna using a sirio 5000 performer up 10 feet. Crane operators 600 feet and using power amp.

So far the IC-7300 makes for an excellent turnkey setup.

My recommendation, avoid all those other export radios out there andjust get this one. It will last you a lifetime and will provide reliable service for a very long time.
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its a shame to use this ham not export radio on the cb band.
i own one and never had any interest to put it on the chicken band
i work 10 20 40 meters on my so called export radio.
its a shame to use this ham not export radio on the cb band.
i own one and never had any interest to put it on the chicken band
i work 10 20 40 meters on my so called export radio.

The shame would be spending 500-700 on an export or hacked up cb with channel mods etc.. when 100 bucks more gets you a much better radio. The insane prices i have seen these exports go for is laughable. 1500 dollar hacked up cb radios and you see people are actually buying them. Way better to buy an IC-7300 for 1300 vs the lescomm 1500 dollar CB.
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The people playing music and jamming, people that think they own a frequency and the guy that keys up randomly to say "you like sucking co**" all come to mind.

The shame would be spending 500-700 on an export or hacked up cb with channel mods etc.. when 100 bucks more gets you a much better radio. The insane prices i have seen these exports go for is laughable. 1500 dollar hacked up cb radios and you see people are actually buying them. Way better to buy an IC-7300 for 1300 vs the lescomm 1500 dollar CB.

I dont get that either. I think the mentality that everything has to be peaked and tuned or modified keeps most cbers from buying good equipment. They've been told for years that cb shop magic makes them talk further and they want to believe it. The modern hf rigs do a pretty good job on AM where many of the older ones had such narrow bandwidth that a cheap cb sounded better. I can't think of any good reason to buy an export radio for a base in 2018.

I have a good friend thats a about 30 years older than me. Hes been on 11 meters most of his life and wanted to build the best cb station he could for his retirement years. I gave him some suggestions for radios and amplifiers but he said they were too expensive. Over the next year he spent even more money buying old junk equipment that looked cool.
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