Hey Guys,
You might as well be smoking crack when you post as to say that I might even, maybe, would think about making my meter wrong. I have NEVER tried to show any more than what the radio will do legitimately.
You wouldn't be the first now would you? We have two contradicting stories on this radio, so one of you is mistaken, or full of shit.... EOS.....
I do have a very big difference of oppinion as to how to calibrate a peak meter which I am not going to go into on this post.
Thanks that is certainly appreciated, the waters are already getting muddy...
I have the cover off of the meter because I had an intermittant case problem. Most of you probably kno0w that the PDC-700 has two halves to the bottom of the case.
I took it apart and lost the LITTLE srews to put it back together. The reason the meter fact is off of the meter is that the meter sticks in a number of spots and I was trying to blow it out but instead.
I think that I messed it up permnantly because the little adjustment to adjust the needle to the proper position on the zero mark doesn't adjust any more.
I am going to order a new Astatic PDC-700 and take the meter off of it and put on my old meter.
What I've gathered from above is you have a broken meter, that is at best giving you questionable readings...
Soooo... Might I ask how you determined these two 148GTL radios have 80 watt output?
How about SSB, you took the time to properly Bias the radio?
I have a new practice. In all most all cases, I will not even have a watt-meter hooked up. The only thing that is very important to me is that the scope and the spec/analyzxer shows beautiful modulation.
Well this is a good thing considering no meter is probably better than a broken one.
For at least the last 15 to 20 customers, I have not used a watt meter at all--don't even have one in line.
I hope this goes well for you, definitely a commendable attempt to get the focus away from output power..
I can tell by the scope when the power is tuned to maximum with modulation and that is all that is important to me. The power output of a radio effects the human ear in an exponential manner that requires a doubling of the power just to get a 3dB increase which is at the threshold of human hearing.
Yes I'm sure the average truck driver is going to be 100% secure in this method, especially when he meets up with some of your critics.
I might be thinking of a different customer than the one here on this thread but I don't think so--I think that I would recognize you if you came in.
Well I will say this much, there does certainly seem to be some confusion involved in this 80 watt 148...
As far as I know, I have had NO CUSTOMERS within the last 2 months that I did not mention that my meter was not neccessarily accurate--and then I mention that if the meter shows twice as much power as it did when it came that this was the important point to most customers--that they see an improvement!
Well it does seem that at least two of your customers, both sporting 80 watt 148's seem to have been NOT told.
I am sure that every customer within that time frame klnew that my meter was sticking. When it was hooked up I blew on it constantly while I tried to use it to tune with.

I'm sorry but this is just funny as hell, not trying to poke fun at ya, but I can just imagine a Driver coming in to have his radio worked on, and the tech explaining why he has to "blow' on his meter.....
I finally gave up and use the scope as the only tuning monitor--except for checking for harmonics with the S/A.
I'm sure that will be much easier than explaining the interesting way you have to make your meter work.
To address the post that said something about even with the 2030 the radio would not do 80 watts. I have not seen any radios that will not show 80 watts when run with a DK of 20 watts and use the NPC-RC.
However, we are not talking about a balls to the wall bench test, but a every day talker... I think you've read one to many "Davemade" Ads. You should save this explanation for the next driver who questions your 80 watt tune....
I don't use that much DK as it would run VERY hot and probably destroy itself.
You think? So how the hell is this "stock" driver/final radio, (or even give you the ERF2030 radio) doing 80 watts...
Again I stand by my statement, NO WAY will a stock 148GTL even approach 80 watts. A Mosfet equipped 148, given the "right", or wrong conditions, depending on your point of view, could conceivably run at 80 watts.
I did already make this point when mentioning the 60 watt Washinton.
80 watt daily talker naaa..... Sorry......
With the NPC-RC and a 2030, there is absollutely NO reason to doubt 75 watts out with a 148.
Urban Dictionary: balls to the walls
Why would a good tech not be able to get the rated power out of a great little part like the EKL components?
It seems to me you've very skillfully shifted the attention away from the fact this radio in question DOES NOT have an ERF2030 in it..
Are you under the misgiven idea that the part will not do what the manufacturer says it will do. If it would not do 75 watts PEP, then EKL would not rate them at 75 watts PEP!
Is this how you always shift attention away from the real question?:blink:
I think it would do well for those that have not actually used a Bird 43 watt meter to either beg borrow or steal on and experiment with a 148 with a 2030and see how much power you can geet out of it on the bird using a 100 watt slug.
Well since you have absolutely no idea what I may, or may not have for test equipment, you should probably concern yourself more with doing something about that meter you have to blow, and less about what I use, or my exerience level.
You've decided to pop off on a debateable issue to force focus away from the issue at hand. A veteran indeed....
If you can get the DK to show 20 watts on the bird and the meter just flickers upward during 100% modulation you are peaking 80 watts. If you cannot get that kind of reading, then come see me at my shop with your Bird and I will show you how to get that reading.
Again skillfully done from an individual who is well versed in defending his work.
Obviously this would be a radio suitable to represent your shop and be used as a daily talker. I mean according to what has already been posted you've already got at least 2 148 GTL radios doing just that.
If you perfer to not try it for yourself maybe you should quit trying to beat a dead cow to death :bdh: by always turning up your nose when a tech claims to get more power than you think is possible.
That is a Horse Doc....
I will conclude this post with the statement I know your a decent Tech, and thought you were a bit better then the average screwdriver jockey.
But you've proven to me by your skill at sidestepping, and having an explanation for everything, shadows your technical prowess.
You are right though, this is certainly :bdh:
73, I wish you well.