I personally wouldn't worry about your neighbors a 1/4 mile away (I mean it's happened ,but not likely) ....that's great for you !!! You said you were flooding , that can make for stray RF floating all over the place from time to time , Hey !! it's only a little weather radio 40 ft away !! See what happens after things dry up around you, just might take the bleedover right away .....there's all kinds of things you can do , turn the power down , buy a inline filter , turn the audio down ,ground ground ground and more ground, the list goes on , you might even move the weather radio to anohter location and chances are your bleed will go bye bye , the one good thing about this is that on it's your own stuff , I'd worry less about that then I would somebody else's stuff.....unless momma's got more pull then any of us might think. Good luck to you, Switch Kit