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Tony, please don't take this wrong. But you have an amp made by a company still in business where as many other companies have gone out of business and ," you don't know where to send it"? Do you think this company stayed in business by doing people wrong or charging to much? And who better to look at what you got than the people that built it? Thats what they do every day. I'm not saying there are not others out there that may can do this job maybe cheaper and even better. But finding them is one thing. I would think that if anyone the original company might do a better job. And though it may be more than others I'm sure it would be fixed right and carry some warranty. Will the others you look for offer this.

You have to be kidding! After many local hams turned down my request to take a look at an AL80 they insisted to ship to Ameritron. I got it down there and after about a month (they said 2 weeks) I got a call saying it was fixed except they could not get the Xmit light to work. I asked him what the problem was and he said he replaced the bulb and it does not work. That was the extent of his "repair". I asked him if the circuit was working and that there was power being sent to the bulb socket and he said he did not check that, he only replaced the bulb.
I asked why he did not check to see if power was being sent to the socket and he said something about how this was an old amplifier and they did not have any sockets like that anymore or and models to look at when repairing them. What ever that meant.
His advise was to watch the output meter so I would know I was transmitting and not worry about the light.

So and I excited about sending my Ameritron to Ameritron for repair? No, since they could not fix what should be one of the easiest items on the thing and they did not even test to see if power was being sent to the bulb.

I would like to know how I can have value in an item that is "repaired" but not working as it should?
this amp sounds like a good one to mod for 6kg6/el509 which are still in production.
how much space between the tubes and the top case?
Wow.. I can only imagine what kind of ghetto crap would find it's way on the air if that were actually the case. One man's "rig job" is another man's "quality repair.."

Of course, the way things are today there's already a ton of crap on the air that shouldn't be.
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Right and they should shut down all the repair shops and those repair guys dont need jobs so it wouldnt matter everyone should dig into these amplifiers and have there little kids learn to I meean hell the voltages really are not lethal are they?? LMAO!!!
Right and they should shut down all the repair shops and those repair guys dont need jobs so it wouldnt matter everyone should dig into these amplifiers and have there little kids learn to I meean hell the voltages really are not lethal are they?? LMAO!!!

Basis and purpose for amateur radio is to provide a competent pool of radio technicians and operators. There are plenty of operators.

What better segment to "guide" into a bit of developement than the folks who like to use amplifiers?
Amateurs should be required to repair all their own equipment.

Should be a license requirement.

That would really screw the guys with Flex radios and rigs like the IC-9100 or FT-dx9000 series. I'm all for knowing electronics, in fact I think the exam should weigh heavy on it and how gear works but lets not go overboard.
That would really screw the guys with Flex radios and rigs like the IC-9100 or FT-dx9000 series. I'm all for knowing electronics, in fact I think the exam should weigh heavy on it and how gear works but lets not go overboard.

Sorry but when I'm president I will pressure the house and senate to require all radio hobbiests to repair all their equipment.

We will send crews out to troublemaker's places and disassemble all their stuff. If they desire to get back on the air the operator will be required to re-assemble his/her equipment.

If the op cannot make the equipment work we may allow use of a really crappy CW rig with a 25 khz receive filter and a chirp.
I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but I understand the value of a forum troll.. or the distinct lack thereof.

One must assume, given the BIG game you talk, that you are able to post pics of you in your workshop (which must be fabulously equipped) with all of the rigs you've built from scratch or the radios that you've assembled from a pile of parts? Of course you'd have no problem appearing in each pic holding a dated newspaper or a sign with the forum URL and today's date clearly written on it, right?

And if I were to ask to see these pics I'm sure I'll be waiting awhile, won't I?

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