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Whatever you say my friend.. I'm more than secure in my own knowledge and/or lack thereof. At no point did I make the insinuation that I know even the slightest about electronics (but I do hold a bachelor's degree in EE for the record, nothing special of course and I don't work in the field currently so there are certainly gaps in my knowledge).. I only asked Kamikaze to pony up and match that big talk of his, something which he was apparently unable to do.

I appreciate you taking the time to air your feelings tho. That does tend to make one feel better, and I'm always very happy to help folks out just by patiently listening and pretending to care.

We are not friends don't get it twisted .

What Big talk did he make? He stated a opinion and said Amateurs should be able to fix thier own equipment? You jumped all over it like a bum chasing a 100 dollar bill blowing down the road and call him a troll, What did he insinuate? yet you felt the need to call him a troll. Tony posts pictures of Obama, yet he gets the free troll pass?

Why don't you pony up with your EE degree and actually help Tony? or are you better suited to call out trolls? If thats the case I think you missed a few.

I dont think someone who hasn't posted any technical info should be calling anyone a troll, Duly noted you seem to have been the one doing the most trolling in the thread, and I now know why you considered it big talk as the info presented must be over your head.

Again, Why don't you offer advise with your technical prowess we are all waiting Mr.EE, be about it instead of talking about it.
Well, lemme see. I'll quote Kamikaze from post #36 of this thread:

Amateurs should be required to repair all their own equipment.

Should be a license requirement.

As I said before, that suggests that amateurs should be able to repair everything from a crystal set to an iphone, and it also insinuates that Kamikaze himself is capable of repairing every single piece of electronic gear that he owns.

Now, rather than follow your demands for me to help Tony, which is truthfully something I cannot do because of a lack of experience with Ameritron amplifiers..

I will link you to two threads here that contain technical info I've posted:

This one I started to share the progress of a filter kit I'm working on:


And here's a sweet little hack mod I posted for KL300p's:


And while I know that it doesn't pertain to radio, I own a small laser show company here in MO, and I build all of my own laser heads, projection systems and control hardware.. So while there are gaps in my RF knowledge, I do get to flex my EE muscles from time to time.. here's a few pics of our most recent shows:






If you want to know a bit more about the electronics behind the shows you can view the whole album here:

Pictures by faze4djs - Photobucket

There are a few diagrams and schematics for various laser-related doodads that I've worked on or drawn up.. I can't share much more due to IP concerns.

I do hope that is sufficient for you.. but if it ain't that'd be too bad friend.
Well, lemme see. I'll quote Kamikaze from post #36 of this thread:

As I said before, that suggests that amateurs should be able to repair everything from a crystal set to an iphone, and it also insinuates that Kamikaze himself is capable of repairing every single piece of electronic gear that he owns.

You know that's not what he means he is talking about amatuers being able to repair thier own amateur equipment. You being the troll you were changed the meaning. Since as you said your not going to help Tony nor as you said able to you label Kamikae a troll for making a statment. As far as him being able to repair everything he owns I am sure he is capable if it was cost effective and he could get the parts but again

Since you decided to quote him let's go in order where you actually know he is talking about radio equipment from your direct reply to his post

here it is:

Kamikaze wrote:
"Amateurs should be required to repair all their own equipment.
Should be a license requirement. "

Eagle 1911 reply:
"Wow.. I can only imagine what kind of ghetto crap would find it's way on the air if that were actually the case. One man's "rig job" is another man's "quality repair.."

Of course, the way things are today there's already a ton of crap on the air that shouldn't be. "

He then further goes on to say

"Basis and purpose for amateur radio is to provide a competent pool of radio technicians and operators. There are plenty of operators.

What better segment to "guide" into a bit of developement than the folks who like to use amplifiers? "

He then adds with a little humor

Kamikaze wrote:
"Sorry but when I'm president I will pressure the house and senate to require all radio hobbiests to repair all their equipment.

We will send crews out to troublemaker's places and disassemble all their stuff. If they desire to get back on the air the operator will be required to re-assemble his/her equipment.

If the op cannot make the equipment work we may allow use of a really crappy CW rig with a 25 khz receive filter and a chirp."

Tony then posts a picture of Osama Bin Laden, Kamikaze replies with part of a quote from the fcc and making light of Tony's posting of bin laden?

Kamikaze wrote:

"Osama probably understands the value of a technically competant pool of radio amateurs."

Then here is where you jump in with the shouting of troll, hahah and still the clamour of him building his won radios, yet you say he meant people should be able to fix anything, and you mean anything when clearly you know he has meant radio equipment yet you call him the troll. Pot, Kettle, Black

"I don't know about the rest of the folks here, but I understand the value of a forum troll.. or the distinct lack thereof.

One must assume, given the BIG game you talk, that you are able to post pics of you in your workshop (which must be fabulously equipped) with all of the rigs you've built from scratch or the radios that you've assembled from a pile of parts? Of course you'd have no problem appearing in each pic holding a dated newspaper or a sign with the forum URL and today's date clearly written on it, right?

And if I were to ask to see these pics I'm sure I'll be waiting awhile, won't I?"
THAT IS OUTSTANDING LIGHTING!!!! I should have you make me a few small units to be different than everyone elses lighting when Im out DJing. EXCELLENT!! :thumbup:

so obviously I must clarify:

I'm done here Mr. Suburban. You are welcome to post in this thread to your hearts content, I however have nothing further to add. Good night to you!

And tnx Tony ;)
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so obviously I must clarify:

I'm done here Mr. Suburban. You are welcome to post in this thread to your hearts content, I however have nothing further to add. Good night to you!

And tnx Tony ;)

Thank You for allowing me to post in this thread and Thanks Friend for playing Name that TROLL!!
Send older Ameritron

By all means send it to Ameritron if your not confident in yourself to
do the repair,Rob at Ameritron is excellent and will take the time to
explain everything he has done -the man knows his amps-a fair price
and a warrenty on the work to boot.

Paul - K8PG
I do know what needs to be done I just get frustrated with my eye disaese and when somebody tells me I should beable to do this or that I agree but I DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BLINDING EYE DISEASE NOR MY CANCER!! I called Ameritron and they wont work on this older amplifier so Ill eventually fix it here this summer when I can actually find a new matched quad set of tubes.

The eye disease I have is extremely frustrating and a person would never understand what its like unless they went through it and I wish this or Cancer on nobody. I will get ths amplifier up and goiung its a zeiner diode that I believe went out due to a bad tube.

Ther is no cure for my eye disease but they tell me that with Stemcell rearch maybe within the next decade there should be a cure . I say great what the hell do I do till then?? Hope pray cross my fingers?? Hopefully Im not 100% blind by then Im about 70-75% blind now I cant even drive anymore or ever again for that matter. Fore anyone interested or curious as to what diease I have that my body sped up or progressed through my Colon Cancer its called RP ( RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA)

Retinitis pigmentosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Oh, but.. I do have just one more little tiny thing to say:

I just want to make sure that it's VERY clear to the universe that so far, I'm the only one who's ponied up in this thread.. People came to this thread to hound on me and they asked me to back my big talk up, and I did.

I asked the same of Kamikaze, and more recently, thanks to his desire to resurrect what was a dead thread as far as I was concerned so he could hound me for calling out a bullshitter, I've been waiting for some sort of stellar revelation of Mr. Suburban's mad skillz..

But sadly nothing but hot air has been forthcoming from either.. too bad......... so sad......

Ah well, I've got no more time to fret about the shortcomings of others, and what their capabilities are really doesn't matter to me at the end of the day.. so best of luck to all and 73 for now.

And Tony, there's no need to explain yourself.. I hope that you get your amp fixed with as little headache as possible.
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Ill get it fgixed eventually ;) my wife and I found this really cool Magnafying glass with a light on a boom arm I can swing around to where I need it and its the cats meow I wanted one for so long and never could find one I then found them on Ebay and was going to purchase one until I walked into a STAPLES office supply store and low and behold they had 2 different types of these magnafying lamps for a reasonable cost so Im a happy camper now and Im thinking this should really help me get back to tinkering which I really miss and I have tons of brandnew replacement parts that need to be used. :thumbup:
Hams and their hateful remarks when it comes to any question that enrages them that a unlicensed 11 meter op can somtime buy the same 12k hf rig and yse it in 11 meters and talk on a new one everyday of the week .i dont get hams tgat spend their entire day jamming 38lsb all the while saying everyone on their is beneath them ,so why would they waste 1 minute up there when they have their yet another government signed paper claiming they own the water,the air,the land,the mineral rights and even if you own your home you will pay them rent every year and everytime you fart due to added methane to the air i thought was god given..geeez.
TonyV225 was last seen:
1y 19w ago

eagle1911 was last seen:
6y 28w ago
MrSuburban, Aug 20, 2011 last post.

Do you know what "guest" means around here ?

Last post here was Apr 23, 2011 . Necro posting indeed.

Yes a EL/PL 509/519 would be an "easy" conversion .


More like a ground up design rather than a conversion of the AL-84.

I'm an amateur radio licensee. So what? All it means is I'm not legally confined to .45 MHz . All it means is I have enough brains to sit for three tests in the space of three hours. It's all radio to me.

I just don't know what to say in response to your last post , so I won't .
Hams and their hateful remarks when it comes to any question that enrages them that a unlicensed 11 meter op can somtime buy the same 12k hf rig and yse it in 11 meters and talk on a new one everyday of the week .i dont get hams tgat spend their entire day jamming 38lsb all the while saying everyone on their is beneath them ,so why would they waste 1 minute up there when they have their yet another government signed paper claiming they own the water,the air,the land,the mineral rights and even if you own your home you will pay them rent every year and everytime you fart due to added methane to the air i thought was god given..geeez.

Gee over react and bullshit much? FWIW a lot of jammers on ch38 are NOT hams despite claiming they are. Years ago we used to have a lot claiming they were hams when they wanted someone to believe their line of bullshit but after a while they were found out as the liars they were. Besides.......if you didn't like what was said why comment on a thread that has long been dead? Was it just to bring it back from the dead to start something again?
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