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Whoever said good fences make good neighbors, didn't live next to family!

When I was about 4 or 5 years old my great uncle was a avid crow hunter. He cut some crow patterns out of wood and painted them black, and put them on his garage door. I could never convince my dad to do the same thing, except I wanted them on our house, it was always maybe one of these day's. A picture of some crows in flight reminded me of my great uncles garage door the other day, so today I made it happen to my own home. I taped them off free hand as best as I could and painted my own crows on the house, my wife will probably hate them, she doesn't know what I've done, so this my be the last anyone ever hears from me again. Just remember I AM NOT SUICIDAL!!!
Anyway I dont think they turned out to bad. They're on the west side of the house, its not like anyone can really see them from the road.
The wife finally saw the crows, I wished I had a video of her facial expression. She stood there staring with a confused look and asking what in the hell !!!! Then she yelled I know you can draw better than that!!!! at least make them look better!!!! So, if im not past the point of no return with this little venture, I guess I should see what I can do about some more presentable crows next time Im home. We've been married 37 yrs this coming June, at least I still surprise her every now and then, sometimes she's not happy but she's still surprised!!:p
This isn't about family, but it is about neighbors. When we lived in SoCal, our next door neighbors were Korean. They had one of those little dogs that continually bark, and are annoying as hell. That dog was outside in their backyard and barked 24 hours a day, drove us crazy, and they did nothing about it. When I went over and spoke to them about it, they said they didn't understand English.
So, I recorded about 1 hour of the dog's barking to use as evidence when I filed a complaint.
Before I could file, they had a party in their backyard with a lot of their friends to celebrate something. I took my stereo and put it on the back porch, and started playing the recording (in the loop mode) . . . LOUD. After about an half hour of this, I got a visit from an Orange County Sheriff. Turned out he was their neighbor on the other side. He said heard the call about the noise complaint, and said he'd handle it. He told me if I wanted to turn my stereo up louder to just do it. He said he was tired of hearing their fucking dog too. I played the recording until I saw their guests leave. We never heard their dog again. Just shows that payback is a MF'er.

- 399
This isn't about family, but it is about neighbors. When we lived in SoCal, our next door neighbors were Korean. They had one of those little dogs that continually bark, and are annoying as hell. That dog was outside in their backyard and barked 24 hours a day, drove us crazy, and they did nothing about it. When I went over and spoke to them about it, they said they didn't understand English.
So, I recorded about 1 hour of the dog's barking to use as evidence when I filed a complaint.
Before I could file, they had a party in their backyard with a lot of their friends to celebrate something. I took my stereo and put it on the back porch, and started playing the recording (in the loop mode) . . . LOUD. After about an half hour of this, I got a visit from an Orange County Sheriff. Turned out he was their neighbor on the other side. He said heard the call about the noise complaint, and said he'd handle it. He told me if I wanted to turn my stereo up louder to just do it. He said he was tired of hearing their fucking dog too. I played the recording until I saw their guests leave. We never heard their dog again. Just shows that payback is a MF'er.

- 399
I've been pretty lucky with neighbors that weren't family only had one run in with non-related neighbors and that was because their kid broke into our house, I threatened his dad if it ever happened again. Looking back ,I probably shouldn't have done that but I did. But living by family was a completely different story. We've lived in the new place 3 1/2 yrs now, haven't seen any of the in-laws we moved away from and neither of us has missed any of them, life's been pretty good living an hour away from all of them.
If you guys think you're old think again. I turned 79 last July, My wife is 68 and looks 40. Our doc has us on testosterone and HGH. These meds are available at pharmacies in Colombia without a prescription. They give your bodies what it needs to stay young. It should be that way in the US. Until our bodies won't keep on, we will be keeping on. One day, medicine won't hold us back, but until then, we will enjoy life together.

399 J.J.
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Just our of curiosity how much is testosterone in Colombia, I get a 10 week supply for about a $100 and sometimes $50 with Good RX without Good RX they want anywhere around $500 to $600 I won't pay that. I'm 57 and can do more push ups than anyone on my rig, the only one that may beat me is a guy that works opposite of me ( he works when I'm at home) he's actually a year or two older than me. We're both known as the old buff guys. LOL
Just our of curiosity how much is testosterone in Colombia ?
Wally -
I take two types of testo: Testoviron and Nebido. Both are injectable. Testoviron comes in a syringe and is good for one week. Cost about $5.00 US. Nebido is slow release and is good for a month. Cost $15.00 US. I use the Nebido mostly, but can only get it at pharmacies in Medellin. When I can't get to Medellin, I buy Testoviron locally.
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Wally -
I take two types of testo: Testoviron and Nebido. Both are injectable. Testoviron comes in a syringe and is good for one week. Cost about $5.00 US. Nebido is slow release and is good for a month. Cost $15.00 US. I use the Nebido mostly, but can only get it at pharmacies in Medellin. When I can't get to Medellin, I buy Testoviron locally.
I take 200 mg (Depo) Testosterone Cypionate injectable, 1c a week. Wish we had prices like that. But like everything else here Big Pharma is another way to take advantage of people. Shouldn't be that way but unfortunately that seems to be the American way
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Spent the day making gutters out of 4 inch PVC, I think they turned out pretty good. Now I just need to paint them. Rain just pours into the carport because they goofed up my concrete when they poured it. They built the frame and roof before pouring the slab, they didn't have enough bracing and the form broke. Then they came out another ft to try and straighten the mess up so my roof didn't cover the entire slab. I added an extra 2 ft to the roof and today I made gutters. It's supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday, so we'll see if they help. I dont think they can make things worse, hopefully.
I take 200 mg (Depo) Testosterone Cypionate injectable, 1c a week. Wish we had prices like that. But like everything else here Big Pharma is another way to take advantage of people. Shouldn't be that way but unfortunately that seems to be the American way
and medical words
cured patient
no longer customer
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