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WOW and double WOW! So... anbody have one?

another wacker MilSpec company selling overpriced stuff to governments.

$1500 + cables, mount, ect.

BTW, CB0167 Welcome to da forum

200 watts pep only? A $2600 antenna and can't run an amp?

Not very stealthily if it can easily be seen. Maybe if the anrenna was a roll bar or luggage rack then I would say it would be a stealth antenna.

A Little Tarheel has the same power handling and band capability but costs less than $400.

You have to admire the gall of somebody to market an obvious over priced antenna.

200 watts pep only? A $2600 antenna and can't run an amp?

Not very stealthily if it can easily be seen. Maybe if the anrenna was a roll bar or luggage rack then I would say it would be a stealth antenna.

A Little Tarheel has the same power handling and band capability but costs less than $400.

You have to admire the gall of somebody to market an obvious over priced antenna.
It is made in the UAE, everything is over priced coming from overthere.
I've seen one in the flesh at the UK National Hamfest last year. Some serious controller electronics in the base of that but performance wise nothing more than you'd get with a screwdriver antenna or a similar length whip and a SGC tuner.

There is one downside to it though and that is its size and shape which precludes mounting high up so you suffer more ground losses than you would do on other antennas you can get up higher on the vehicle
Their durability testing is pretty similar to what I did with my antennas. Not many manufacturers are that anal about durability it seems.

It doesn't make me want to go out and purchase one though.
Hi gang. Thank you Squawker. My double wow factor wasn't about the performance or construction/size..... More cuz of what you don't get for power rating and price! It may be tough and self contained but yes, a tarheel and or bug catcher or screwdriver would be my choices as well.

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