Hello All..
I have been reading this since the 350R talked about and then when ( i can't remember how to spell his name right now..) so i Will just call him Mr. M. got his from HRO and stuff..
Very informative, I am down in Denver, Co. for work, so i Called HRO - Denver and since they had a special for HRO on the FTM-350R but wanted a 140.00 more for the FTM-350AR, i got the R version and the FGPS-1 Unit for 550 /w Denver Taxes.. Since there Remarks on it said Software upgrade would make it the same. Just Different Model #'s
So if someone could possibly help me in getting the setting's right i like the help and i will have to do the update when i get back to wa. state, hope the ver. 1.1 is ok while i am down here.
trying to set it up so when i drive semi hauling fuel my family can see i am ok and where i am @..
Mr. M., I Know you have alot of info on here, i just need the help to make sure i do it right the first time so i don't end up beacon a repeater by accident have a hard enough time here in denver finding a repeater i can use echo link / irlp cause i am not a member and there websites say you can, but really you can't without a access code, they say to asks so-in-so but can never get anyone to answer..
will aprs show what freq. i am on or do i just send a msg that show when someone looks @ my call and then they can see that i sent a msg as to what freq./rep. i am on.. dont know probly a stupid question..
Well Thanks for any and all help...
Ray Komro
Roy, Wa.