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CB Milage Limit

Okay, I am fairly confident I could pass the Technician class examine, now I have no excuse!
USPS box is generally cheaper if you go with the smallest box available plus most post office boxes have 24 hour access.

If you need to have any large packages such as new radio gear you don't want the old lady to know about…:censored: sent to that address, it'll be held behind the counter for pickup during business hours.
Okay, I am fairly confident I could pass the Technician class examine, now I have no excuse!
As others are saying, get your General class.

Tech is too limiting while General class will open the world of DX for you.

If your confident about the Tech exam, then the General shouldn't be too difficult and you'll learn more in the process.

Good luck!
I have a CB customer who refuses to get a ham license. He read the rules, and the part about providing "reasonable access" to your station got his attention.

His reaction is "No damn fed is coming onto my property without a search warrant and the sheriff".

Considering his collection of high-power 11-meter only equipment, his attitude makes sense to me.

I have a CB customer who refuses to get a ham license. He read the rules, and the part about providing "reasonable access" to your station got his attention.

His reaction is "No damn fed is coming onto my property without a search warrant and the sheriff".

Considering his collection of high-power 11-meter only equipment, his attitude makes sense to me.

That's a common ignorant misconception among CBers. Your station whether CB or Ham is subject to inspection. By choosing to operate any radio, you automatically fall under FCC rules and jurisdiction.

If one has a problem with this, then don't operate a radio.

I would say you're less likely to be inspected being a Ham as opposed to a CBer especially if you're running modified radio's and illegal amps.
Hams police themselves in a way, the question I now have is: how do I deal with the cognitive dissonance of following rules and not pestering others on 11 who break them, what if I run a "hot" radio on 11?

"It's okay here, but not there?"

I Know a local Ham operator, he lives and breathes 11 meters, his "shack" is full of 11 meter amplifiers, he has had a station inspection, the only thing they mentioned was that he didn't have his identifier hanging on the wall; it was not visible anywhere, after he pulled it out of a drawer and pinned it to the wall, he was kosher.

If asked about "questionable amplifiers" couldn't one simply state they are for a 10 meter project, or for 10 meter use? Ultimately it comes down to the operator to ensure the station is clean, so an "11 meter amp" used on 10 would not be inherently illegal..
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I have a CB customer who refuses to get a ham license. He read the rules, and the part about providing "reasonable access" to your station got his attention.

His reaction is "No damn fed is coming onto my property without a search warrant and the sheriff".

Considering his collection of high-power 11-meter only equipment, his attitude makes sense to me.


I wonder what he says about the fact that his CB station is subject to the same rules and regulations regarding access for inspection. I guess ignorance truly is bliss for some.
asked about "questionable amplifiers" couldn't one simply state they are for a 10 meter project, or for 10 meter use? Ultimately it comes down to the operator to ensure the station is clean, so an "11 meter amp" used on 10 would not be inherently illegal..
Legal to have at your station as long as you have a license, otherwise if it is at your station and/or any evidence being used, you would be in violation.

That's a legal loophole for anybody to legally have an RF amplifier at their station. Just don't have it attatched to a CB if Uncle Charlie comes a knock'n.
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how do I deal with the cognitive dissonance of following rules and not pestering others on 11 who break them, what if I run a "hot" radio on 11?
Easy, let people do with what they're gonna do, they're going to do it anyway. Just as most of us do already, if we don't like what we hear, change the channel!
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I have a ton of 11 meter amplifiers here that are left overs from a bad customer who did not pay his bills. I have freshly repaired KLV-400 RMItaly unit that works so fine. I am using it on ten meters. I also have cb's in my shack that are not connected to any amps. To an antenna "you bectcha" they are.
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Total B.S. it is either right or wrong and you must pass the test.
There is no curve. I know of 8 VE's and they were present at my testing. Four at my Technician/General test and four at my Extra test.
If what you are saying is true, prove it and get your Extra license in the next six months. If they are grading on a curve should be easy for you right?
If you already have it what is your call sign?

Go ahead and live in your littlr world. Ohh, I passed the General in '85.
I have heard the paranoid..."I don't want the Whole world knowing my address and information!:
Do you have a Drivers License?
Ever been in a vehicle accident as a driver?
Do you have(or ever had) a Child in the PUBLIC School system?
Ever order ANYTHING on line?
Ever have a magazine delivered to your mailbox?
Ever mail Anything? Do you realize how many people see that info on a return address Label?
Ever Ship or RECEIVE a Package? via any commercial shipper?
Do you have Health Care?...Ever go to Doctor,Dentist,ever been admitted to a Hospital?
Do you have a credit card? Have you ever you used it?
Ever written a check at the grocery store, gas station or the shopping mall?
Do you have ANY PUBLIC UTILITIES connected at your place of residence?
Are you a US Citizen? Then you have a Social Security #...
(OH Yea I am old enough to have a SS Card that HAS printed right on the card:
Ever been to Traffic Court?
Ever been arrested even for a minor violation?
Do you have or have you ever applied for a Passport?
Ever Flown on an International Aircraft?
Ever purchased a new or used vehicle from a Dealer's lot and then had to purchase the licence plate for said vehicle?

ALL these and many more have put you in a PUBLIC Database...
Sorry but get a touch of reality people...there is no such thing as PRIVATE LIFE anymore...regardless of the rules you think apply...it's not true!
Get a grip, peel off the Tin Foil hat and come out of the darkness in your own mind and see the Sunshine:eek::ROFLMAO:
All the Best

OH here's a BIGGIE I forgot...Ever had a Land Line Telephone...DO you OWN a CELL PHONE?:rolleyes::LOL:
I have heard the paranoid..."I don't want the Whole world knowing my address and information!:
Do you have a Drivers License?
Ever been in a vehicle accident as a driver?
Do you have(or ever had) a Child in the PUBLIC School system?
Ever order ANYTHING on line?
Ever have a magazine delivered to your mailbox?
Ever mail Anything? Do you realize how many people see that info on a return address Label?
Ever Ship or RECEIVE a Package? via any commercial shipper?
Do you have Health Care?...Ever go to Doctor,Dentist,ever been admitted to a Hospital?
Do you have a credit card? Have you ever you used it?
Ever written a check at the grocery store, gas station or the shopping mall?
Do you have ANY PUBLIC UTILITIES connected at your place of residence?
Are you a US Citizen? Then you have a Social Security #...
(OH Yea I am old enough to have a SS Card that HAS printed right on the card:
Ever been to Traffic Court?
Ever been arrested even for a minor violation?
Do you have or have you ever applied for a Passport?
Ever Flown on an International Aircraft?
Ever purchased a new or used vehicle from a Dealer's lot and then had to purchase the licence plate for said vehicle?

ALL these and many more have put you in a PUBLIC Database...
Sorry but get a touch of reality people...there is no such thing as PRIVATE LIFE anymore...regardless of the rules you think apply...it's not true!
Get a grip, peel off the Tin Foil hat and come out of the darkness in your own mind and see the Sunshine:eek::ROFLMAO:
All the Best

OH here's a BIGGIE I forgot...Ever had a Land Line Telephone...DO you OWN a CELL PHONE?:rolleyes::LOL:

Usually the reason is that they like to talk smack on the radio and don't want people to find out who they really are or where they live. Run a clean ship and you don't have to worry about retribution.
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Reactions: Tallman
I have heard the paranoid..."I don't want the Whole world knowing my address and information!:
Do you have a Drivers License?
Ever been in a vehicle accident as a driver?
Do you have(or ever had) a Child in the PUBLIC School system?
Ever order ANYTHING on line?
Ever have a magazine delivered to your mailbox?
Ever mail Anything? Do you realize how many people see that info on a return address Label?
Ever Ship or RECEIVE a Package? via any commercial shipper?
Do you have Health Care?...Ever go to Doctor,Dentist,ever been admitted to a Hospital?
Do you have a credit card? Have you ever you used it?
Ever written a check at the grocery store, gas station or the shopping mall?
Do you have ANY PUBLIC UTILITIES connected at your place of residence?
Are you a US Citizen? Then you have a Social Security #...
(OH Yea I am old enough to have a SS Card that HAS printed right on the card:
Ever been to Traffic Court?
Ever been arrested even for a minor violation?
Do you have or have you ever applied for a Passport?
Ever Flown on an International Aircraft?
Ever purchased a new or used vehicle from a Dealer's lot and then had to purchase the licence plate for said vehicle?

ALL these and many more have put you in a PUBLIC Database...
Sorry but get a touch of reality people...there is no such thing as PRIVATE LIFE anymore...regardless of the rules you think apply...it's not true!
Get a grip, peel off the Tin Foil hat and come out of the darkness in your own mind and see the Sunshine:eek::ROFLMAO:
All the Best

OH here's a BIGGIE I forgot...Ever had a Land Line Telephone...DO you OWN a CELL PHONE?:rolleyes::LOL:
Haha, noted for future reference. :whistle:

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