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anyone seen this new microphone

Seriously, laugh all you want, I'm used to it, but I love everything about this thing. The tone and modulation adjustments, the meter, the look (especially the look!).

Money aside, would this be a good mic for both AM and SSB on a vintage radio? I don't see any specs.
I just got a very nice silver eagle off of ebay . Man it is mint!!!
I think the best investment I ever made was having one of my silver eagle d104's fet modified by loosecannon.
I've never gotten so many excellent audio reports while using my uniden Madison.
Not only do I get excellent reports, I get something that I never received before, and that's people actually asking me what type of microphone am I using.
A while back I had a qso (27.535 USB) with a station in the Bahamas. He was using a Cobra 148 GTL that sounded awesome.
I asked him what type of microphone he was using, and he told me it was an old d104 hand-me-down from his dad.
He said he found a fet modification online and applied it to that mic.
That station in the Caribbean sounded awesome, and I'm assuming the d104 that Loose Cannon modified for me might sound similar to that one.
I don't know how difficult the modification is, but it was absolutely worth the shipping and the mod cost. 73
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Well, judging by the comments, I shouldn't have any trouble getting one. :D

What can I say? I thought the AMC Gremlin was a cool-looking car, too. :ROFLMAO:
According to most of the replies it seems like this microphone won't be one of those the Next Generation will be will be waiting for to pop up on eBay.
Like the 1104c, or 444. Which have stood the test of time, and Technology. I have never heard one of these on air, but will be listening.
Unlike many of the members here, I can't attest to the way a microphones going to sound based on what it looks like, or even it's specs.
I have to hear it first.
And even then it's difficult to tell whether a microphone is going to sound as it did on someone else's rig, even if you're
using the same one.
Voice characteristics and the way one sets there rigs/mic's audio adjustments, will in the end decide on whether a microphone is good for you or not,
For me, my fet modified d104 is the best microphone I've ever had the pleasure of using.
According to most of the replies it seems like this microphone won't be one of those the Next Generation will be will be waiting for to pop up on eBay.
Like the 1104c, or 444. Which have stood the test of time, and Technology. I have never heard one of these on air, but will be listening.
Unlike many of the members here, I can't attest to the way a microphones going to sound based on what it looks like, or even it's specs.
I have to hear it first.
And even then it's difficult to tell whether a microphone is going to sound as it did on someone else's rig, even if you're
using the same one.
Voice characteristics and the way one sets there rig/mic's audio adjustments, and voice characteristics will in the end decide on whether a microphone is good for you or not,
For me, my fet modified d104 is the best microphone I've ever had the pleasure of using.

The reason I am skeptical is that it looks a lot like a Shure 55s. The Shure mic alone cost as much or more without base, meters, etc. I think a person looking to spend this kind of money on a microphone could go down to the music store and find a better mic for less. I'm not big on looks. If I had a tuna can with a cheap condenser element in it that sounded good I would use it.
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