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11 meter is very quiet?

I've never tried it on mower decks but it works on snow blower chutes so nothing ventured nothing gained. Plus using the garden hose more often helps. Maintenance !
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Ho-hum conditions up here. Which is OK 'cause spring is in the air and there's about a thousand things to do in the yard and garden.............
So much easier to get motivated to work outside when conditions are no good on the radio LOL! :D
I have the same going on here, while we had a spring break I finally got a drive belt put on my riding mower that I bought 2 years ago. Also took the mower deck off and cleaned, treated, primed, & painted the under side of the deck. Gotta Git-er Done & be ready. And like has been said DX has been different lately.
I agree with you both, work, family so much to do at a new home, establishing a neglected lawn etc.....
The base station is now a late summer project instead. Hopefully I'll be ready for the fall dx season, for now I'll use the mobile.
The hobby takes the back seat!
Late Sunday evening the dx was strong south of San Antonio. I made quite a few contacts on AM and a few on ssb. All stateside.
Monday morning I talked with a station in Exeter, England while traveling through Houston. Then Wednesday I talked with a station in the Netherlands while in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area. Both contacts were slightly above channel 40 USB.

Both contacts were a little difficult, but I talked to each of them for about 3 minutes each. I was happy my Stryker and a beat up firestik made the trip.
Nothing wrong with conditions up here. A wee bit quieter than last week, but still hopping.
Europeans haven't been as strong, but still in there in the morning. Hearing tons of North and South America all day, and Australia, New Zealand and East Asia all afternoon and evening. Skip has hung in till almost 10pm here some nights, especially Japanese, Taiwanese and Asiatic Russian stations.
Been a bit busy with non radio things, but still making contacts daily in the 27.45 to 27.7 range USB, and on 26.805 FM.
Good to hear some are having luck. As I showered today I listened and had high noise floor not much DX broke thru and even turned on my Pre-amp, West Mountain device to quite the noise and turned my amp on and couldn't break thru. Seeing this week is Old Man Winters slap in the face decided to run to Walmart for supplies and didn't do any better in my Cobalt. Couldn't get a comeback even once. But a good trooper never gives up and goes in where it is bloody. Tomorrow is another day ! LOL
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This evening was a nice surprise. I had to go down to 36 before I could have a decent qso. I was getting out to Virginia and others, up to Delaware, and eventually went quiet. 5 minutes later it started coming in from Northern Cali and Navada. I was on the Stryker 955. I've been neglecting it lately and I sometimes forget what a great radio it is.
Got on the air about 3pm today EST. Heard nothing. Put on the headphones, still nothing until 177 Ontario's audio came through so loud practically blew my ears away. Funny thing he wasn't moving my "S" meter at all. Then I heard an Oklahoma station. Same thing loud as hell but no "S" meter indication. This was on Ch 37. Thought there was a problem with my antenna, but SWR checked 1.3:1. Switched to my Starduster and the same thing. Copied the mail for about an hour and slowly the "S" meter returned to normal and skip picked back up. Kinda like the conditiions you guys described the last couple of days. Mother Nature and Old Mr. Sol really play games with conditions sometimes.

- J.J. 399
Nothing wrong with conditions up here. A wee bit quieter than last week, but still hopping.
Europeans haven't been as strong, but still in there in the morning. Hearing tons of North and South America all day, and Australia, New Zealand and East Asia all afternoon and evening. Skip has hung in till almost 10pm here some nights, especially Japanese, Taiwanese and Asiatic Russian stations.
Been a bit busy with non radio things, but still making contacts daily in the 27.45 to 27.7 range USB, and on 26.805 FM.
Good for you on the conditions! I'm ready to be busy with radio things but I'm a mud duck lol

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