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CNN should change their name to FNN (Fake News Network)

Magicians are really artists in the art of sleight of hand and misdirection to create an illusion that makes someone believe that the supernatural has been invoked.

When the news media does it, we call it what it is. BS. Since the news has their own private agendas, it is because the owners are the rich and powerful giving it slants that provides advantages to both industry and gov't. Not necessarily reflecting the views of the American public, it either comes close to breaching that trust or outright violating it altogether. When it violates this trust; there is a problem. Defining that trust has always been freedom of speech. Tricky business?

Magicians use misdirection to get a desired effect. What is the goal of the misdirection we've been seeing over the past year? Something is afoot; can't say what it is. Is this in the best interest of the country; or a private agenda? That is the question that demands an answer.
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Snopes is saying that this video is FALSE, and that there was a photographer there that also had a red CNN jacket on, and was the person seen in shorts...However, even if that's true, I still find it awful convenient that CNN was there filming live when this guy in the truck just happens to turn off the road into a ditch that looks more like a river...Then the reporter says: "You thought you were tuning on a road didn't ya"...Don't see anything that looked like a road to me.
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Snopes is saying that this video is FALSE, and that there was a photographer there that also had a red CNN jacket on, and was the person seen in shorts...However, even if that's true, I still find it awful convenient that CNN was there filming live when this guy in the truck just happens to turn off the road into a ditch that looks more like a river...Then the reporter says: "You thought you were tuning on a road didn't ya"...Don't see anything that looked like a road to me.

Maybe and maybe not. Coincidences do happen. One news crew here was filming an accident as a result of a police chase when the sound of sirens was heard. Sure enough another unrelated police chase was underway on the same road and the car crashed almost in the same spot as the first one. Entire second chase and crash were caught as it happened.

As for the road comment, I would imagine the guy DID think he was driving on a road because he sure wouldn't intentionally drive into a flooded ditch would he?

That video did look suspicious but I would have to see faces before calling BS.
Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are all biased to suit their contributors, advertisers, and viewers. CNN and MSNBC are quick to condemn law enforcement and Fox News loves to scare the crap out of their viewers to keep them afraid of everything.
I watch all three and go to fact check websites to verify.
Al Sharpton is a MSNBC contributor so there are serious credibility issues there. Fox News loves to interview Ted Nugent.....you know the serial convicted poacher, draft dodger, and underage girl humper. Ole Ted got deferments for schools he never attended and was refused for hygiene and mental reasons.
Lately I have been avoiding watching the news because why get worked up over things you have no control over.
Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are all biased to suit their contributors, advertisers, and viewers. CNN and MSNBC are quick to condemn law enforcement and Fox News loves to scare the crap out of their viewers to keep them afraid of everything.
I watch all three and go to fact check websites to verify.
Al Sharpton is a MSNBC contributor so there are serious credibility issues there. Fox News loves to interview Ted Nugent.....you know the serial convicted poacher, draft dodger, and underage girl humper. Ole Ted got deferments for schools he never attended and was refused for hygiene and mental reasons.
Lately I have been avoiding watching the news because why get worked up over things you have no control over.

I have to laugh at the Trump supporters (some of whom are here on this forum) that have suddenly turned to FOX News for video clips to support their viewpoint when those same people a few years ago referred to FOX as Faux News....faux as in fake. What happened? Is it suddenly because FOX seems to be friendlier to Trump than the other outlets?
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What gets me about the pseudo-liberal dems is that Trump hasn't even been in office for nine months - hardly long enough to get things going - and they act obsessed/deranged.

The reason Trump got elected is because the independent voters pulled the election towards him - simply because they rightly knew that this country simply cannot afford the same old tax some more and spend even more than we collect way of gov't. Which is insane. I am an independent - and can say that.

I moved out of CA because CA may not slide into the ocean; but it will have slid into a debt from which it cannot recover. And the fed gov't will have to bail them out because of tax too much and spend more than we take in CA politics. That's just insane! Socialism is simply not an option.
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What gets me about the pseudo-liberal dems is that Trump hasn't even been in office for nine months - hardly long enough to get thing going - and they act obsessed/deranged.

The reason Trump got elected is because the independent voters pulled the election towards him - simply because they rightly knew that this country simply cannot afford the same old tax some more and spend even more than we collect way of gov't. Which is insane. I am an independent - and can say that.

I moved out of CA because CA may not slide into the ocean; but it will have slid into a debt from which it cannot recover. And the fed gov't will have to bail them out because of tax too much and spend more than we take in politics. That's just insane! Socialism is simply not an option.

California looked long and hard at what's going in Venezuela and said, "Me likey!"
Clinton was never a war hawk and Nugent loves war as long as he doesn't have to go. Since RS you obviously hate Clinton and love Nugent, there isn't any point continuing.

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