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Recommend a Wattmeter

So as usual for me lately, life happened and I missed the boat on a couple of Daiwa 801 meters.

So what does the braintrust have to say about these .......?

Thanks Riverman71, guess I missed them when I looked. Still on the lookout for a Daiwa I guess.
Well I finally made up my mind, based on the input from you all and reviews on EHam, and ordered up a Daiwa CN901HP3 from Ham Radio Outlet in Denver. Jim, there, was very nice and easy to deal with. Thanks for that.

I don't have a way to verify the accuracy of the 901 when it arrives, any recommendations from the brain trust? I'm not really over-concerned about it as my use will be fairly limited and just to verify what my hot line is / is not doing.

That one seems to be a winner. Discussed a lot here on the forum... I almost bought one, but when I got my Palstar tuner, it had a meter built in. I'm going to bet money you are going to be very happy with your Daiwa meter.

If you hook it to a 50 Ohm load it should read 1.0:1 . There are other resistors you can connect on the load side and get different readings. I mentioned those resistors in a post in the past and used that to calibrate my antenna analyzer. I'll see if I can find that thread and bring the information back here to the present.
But I'll bet you $20.00 it will be spot on. Daiwa does not make junk.
As promised here is the procedure that list the resistors and expected readings. Ignore the fact it is for the antenna analyzer. The readings will be the same. (I think)
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If you're concerned about it, You should also make a 100 ohm dummy load out of some resistors. These are easy to make and there is plenty of info online to make one.

A 100 ohm dummy load will show a 2.1:1 SWR. This is good to check calibration along with a 50 ohm dummy load too.

As for wattage, the only way is to check it is compare against a known accurate source.

That Daiwa should be accurate enough to where I wouldn't be concerned about it. It isn't true scientific test equipment but it is surely better than a Dosey meter.

Let's us know how you like it.
Tallman and fourstringburn : thanks for this info. Exactly what I was hoping for. I fully expect the Daiwa will function just fine out of the box, but as I have no local resource to verify, this info will no doubt prove invaluable if / when I have any doubt.

Thx ............rok55
So as usual for me lately, life happened and I missed the boat on a couple of Daiwa 801 meters.

So what does the braintrust have to say about these .......?


Well, you did make the post requesting some "good" advice as to which power/vswr meter to go with. You have been given some excellent choices in Birds, Daiwa 901/801...... The Dosy and other low cost meters you keep bringing up, are just that. Low cost meters that will give you a reading, whether accurate or not.
If you want accurate readings, Daiwa, Bird, Powermaster II, will be your best options.
If you can settle for "in the ball park", then any of the other low cost options will work for you. Just pick one.
Well, you did make the post requesting some "good" advice as to which power/vswr meter to go with. You have been given some excellent choices in Birds, Daiwa 901/801......
If you want accurate readings, Daiwa, Bird, Powermaster II, will be your best options.

Yes Sir, I took that advice. You'll notice in post #34 that I ordered up a Daiwa 901.
Should be here today.......... looking forward to it.
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